November 20, 2019

How are you still pregnant?

How has it been over a month since a pregnancy update? I had the most amazing flood of advice and encouragement come in from my last post.  I enjoyed so much reading through almost 100 messages from mommas that have experienced c-sections or complications.  Besides being absolute WARRIORS (seriously, so inspiring!) - the advice you all gave was so helpful in every way.

So I ended up with decision one, to keep the originally scheduled c-section date at the local hospital. My midwife basically decided it for me after we talked again that following week.  And then....

I went to my 34 week check-up.  For the first time, I did not sugar coat how I was feeling when the nurse asked me.  I had a rough night of contractions on and off, and was feeling down-right crummy with a pounding headache still for my appointment at 3:30 in the afternoon.  The doctor came in and said the best bet would be to perform a fetal fibronectin swab test to see if I was in pre-term labor.  She was sure that the result would be negative - but without being able to check my cervix since I'm a ticking bomb - this was our only option to prove I could make it another 3 weeks.  If the test was negative, it meant staying pregnant at least 2 more weeks. If positive, I would likely go into labor within 5 days.  I got the call the next morning. Freaking positive.

I had all of my kids (my own and daycare) huddled around the breakfast table when I got the call. Gut punch. I scurried into the laundry room so the kids didn't see me cry as I talked through the next steps with the nurse.  I was shocked, as was she.  I needed to get to the hospital within a couple hours to get the first round of steroid shots for his lungs to mature more quickly.  I was familiar with these from my last pregnancy.  BUT, I was told at the beginning of this pregnancy that the shots would be out of the question this time since new research has come down since Archer's birth that indicates a stronger correlation with brain bleeds than benefit for the baby's lungs.  Cool.  I got the daycare kids picked-up and Daniel made it home for a half-day to take me to the hospital.  Between the progesterone shots and the steroid rounds I have been poked in the booty 23 times this pregnancy.  

The following day I needed to return to the hospital for the second round.  I woke up feeling even worse than the day prior with a pounding headache, so much pressure, and swollen (so I knew my blood pressure was probably up).  I asked the triage nurse if she could check my bp while I was there for the shot.  She hooked me up to the monitor to check bp and fetal non-stress.  Luckily, after a couple hours I was good to go rest at home and pray to stay pregnant until the steroid shots could work their magic.  I had three tiny goals to get to.  1.) stay pregnant until Saturday for steroid shots to work on his lungs, 2.) stay pregnant until Monday so I could get the next round of progesterone which may help carry me until, 3.) stay pregnant until the following Thursday when I would see my midwife for my 35 week checkup and make a new plan.

I swear to goodness, I don't know how I am still pregnant.  The doctors don't know how I am still pregnant.  But here we are, 36 weeks.  It's still very worrisome.  I feel like a ticking bomb.
I had my 36 week check with the doctor who will perform my c-section next week.  I despise her lack of bedside manner (that's for another post when I'm feeling ballsy).  She did check me and I am sitting pretty at 2.5cm dilated.  I seriously CANNOT go into active labor at this point.  I have one week until I get to meet his sweet face.  I need to stay pregnant for one more week.  Let's do it.

October 15, 2019

Pregnancy Status | Complicated

I am stuck between singing "Mama Mia, here we go again!" and "Oh, why you got to be so complicated?" (any other 90's Avril fans out there?)  But seriously, I would take a normal pregnancy any day over these complicated/worrisome ones that make my head spin.  WARNING: this is a really long post because a.) it requires back story, b.) I'm hormonal and pregnant, which means I have hardly a filter and tend to ramble. Sorry.

A little back story and reason for this post.  Three years ago (tomorrow) I had a miracle rainbow baby, Larkin Olivia.  She came after a very rough year of cervical cancer, losing a baby as a result, and recovering my mind and soul.  Followed by three rounds of fertility treatments to see those little pink lines again.  The pregnancy was perfect.  Better than perfect!  But at 39 weeks when I went in to deliver her, my entire fate of future babies changed.  I still, three years later, cannot go into all of the details about it and relive it in this way (yet).  But my midwife saved my life.  I delivered her naturally, without drugs, and then after all that my cervix had been through the year prior, I hemorrhaged and nearly died on the table.  My midwife saved my life.  It was the "medical opinion" that I count my blessings and not get pregnant again.  I should have a radical hysterectomy once I was done nursing that next year.  But a year later - we accidentally got pregnant.

Since my midwife knew what to expect in some way, we were a little more prepared for the delivery this time and we knew I would have to get an epidural at 10cm to be able to endure the pain of stopping the hemorrhaging and procedures that would likely follow delivery.  Then at 23 weeks, I had no measurable cervix.  Hey God, thanks for the curve ball.  Long story short (again - I've tried to block that emotional stress and haven't been able to lay out all of the complications that followed) - we made it to 40 weeks exactly with a lot of medical intervention and prayer.  Delivery went as expected, and I kissed death on the table once more.  The hysterectomy was rescheduled for the following December (2019) when I would be anticipated to be done nursing little miss Archer Elaina.

Anddddddd then.....9 months later we accidentally got pregnant, again.  The complications keep compiling, one on top of the other.  I wake at night in a panic.  If you see me regularly, you might not even know that I am screaming on the inside or in so much pain that I don't want to get out of bed most days.  But that's just what moms do.  Push through.  And pray. Like, a lot.

So all of this back story ranting to bring you to my predicament.  I need your help.  Until this past February I worked on a college campus, filled with individuals from all stages of life that I could bounce ideas off of and make hard-fast decisions with.  Some of the best adventures I've taken on were brainstormed between the four walls of my former office.  Given that now I sing songs with toddlers all day and clean their faces of mac n' cheese - I figured I would take to the blog.  If you are reading this and have prayed for this baby boy, thank you.  If you would like to weigh in on the latest saga, read on and message me please.

This pregnancy has provided even MORE complications than the last, if that is even possible.  This time around, I had hardly a cervix at 14 weeks.  I started receiving progesterone shots weekly from an in-home care nurse.  I've been on modified (not strict, like last year) bedrest at home since then.  Which, is bedrest even a thing when you already have 3 kids?? :)  At 22 weeks they found a placenta abnormality that is extremely rare (of course - like, 1% rare).  And, given what my body has decided to do in the delivery room, my team has decided to do a c-section around the 37 week mark.  With each of my past pregnancies I have dilated to 4.5/5 and just sit there for about 3 weeks.  NO MATTER WHAT I DO TO PROGRESS THINGS.  Then I show up at the hospital and have my water broken and BOOM, go to 10 in a few hours to push the baby out.  They want to take me early so that my cervix doesn't have a chance to go into active labor.  But late enough that the baby will be developed for the outside world since the closest NICU is hours away.  Talk about a delicate window of time to find the sweet spot.  All of this is provided I make it past the 32 week mark - which was the goal set at 14 weeks with everything working against me.  Prayer and progesterone. It has to work.

So, I am 37 weeks on Thanksgiving day.  That's when they have things scheduled.  See - I have to call it "things" because I still cannot wrap my heart around a surgery to get this baby out.  It completely freaks me out.  I need all cesarean momma's to give me their love and TIPS. For 3 births now I have literally pushed a baby out in two pushes, and immediately nursed, peed and ate the grossest, biggest meal the cafeteria could offer. This is foreign territory to me and I can't deal.

This past week we had our anatomy scan to see how he is growing.  Best news ever...he is doing better than expected and we may have another man-child on our hands like big brother.  But I still had so much anxiety and worry for the early delivery.  I know they are trying to make sure I make it through - but it's complicated.  So I brought all of my concerns and am left with 3 options. I need to call the office with my decision.  And I literally cannot decide.

Option 1: Keep the Thanksgiving (36w6d) delivery date at local hospital
  • My midwife will be the assist in the surgery and she is the ONLY person on this planet that knows what my cervix does.  The woman is a saint. She has saved my life twice and yet agreed to go on this new journey with me instead of shipping me to a MFM hours away.
  • The hospital is only 2 miles from our home where our other babies will be and D will need to go back and forth between to care for them
  • If the baby is not developed enough to not need care, he will be flown to a hospital hours away and separated from me

Option 2: Keep Thanksgiving deliver date, move to hospital with level 1 nursery (not NICU)
  • Hospital is 50 minutes away
  • My midwife will not be the assist - she does not have privileges there.  It will be the on-call midwife for the hospital.
  • Specialized nursery can handle a 36 week babe
  • A tad bit more progressive of a hospital than the local venue, which helps ease my concerns about doing a c-section (i.e., skin-to-skin, pro-breastfeeding, delayed cord clamping, etc)

Option 3:  Move the delivery date to after Thanksgiving (more like 37w4d) at local hospital
  • If the hospital has availability and my body cooperates, it would give baby 5 more days to cook over Thanksgiving break (meaning, I should be able to take it easy since D will be off school and I won't have extra kiddos in the house for daycare)
  • Still may need to ship baby out if apgar score is not ideal
  • Midwife will be the assist
  • Cervix may be too dilated and could result in a scary situation (again), or worse, a c-section/hyst combo as a result of the hemorrhaging
What does a momma do to choose the lesser evil?  And this is if I make it that far, given the complications (but that's how I have to think and did last year too....I believe in the power of positive thinking and prayer.  I WILL MAKE IT TO MY DUE DATE!)  Help, friends!!

July 5, 2019

The Original

Cael Thomas Rambo, the boy who made me a mother - wow, it has been a fun ride. The original owner of this piece of my heart.  We had you all to ourselves for four whole years, which was so special.  You changed me as a person in such a good way.  I feel so blessed to watch you grow and flow through all of the milestones and new adventures.  And you do it all so effortlessly that sometimes we have to take a beat to remember that you are only 6 years old, but you've always been our little man. Your imagination and creativity astound me!  When you giggle, the room can't help but smile. You are an amazing big brother. Like - better than I could have ever expected, especially given the age differences.  And when I have a baby in my tummy you are probably the most excited in the family and treat me like a queen - always hugging the baby and talking to my belly. 
You are awesome.

The Remix

My sweet Larkin Olivia, you are so beautiful inside and out. You are the smartest, sweetest and sassiest girl I have ever met.  You have been forming sentences since you could it's no surprise that you could not keep this little secret of ours.  Daddy and I laugh so hard recalling the day at your brother's baseball game that you announced to the whole stand of parents that "Mommy needs to just have a quick snack (I keep book, so she was warning them I needed to take a break from paying attention) because she has a little baby growing in her tummy and she is really hungry" :)
The struggles it took to get pregnant with you are some that I will never forget. It tested our marriage after we had just rebounded from the cancer diagnosis and treatment into remission.  To think that we were only one month away from a scheduled hysterectomy to remove any chance of the cancer ever returning - but that third round of fertility meds worked like a charm and you have been our lucky charm ever since.  I have no idea what we would do without your sweetness in our life.

The Encore

This world needed an Archer Elaina - no matter what hell fire I had to go through to get you here.  Your pregnancy and birth story is not one I am emotionally ready to tell completely yet (hence the silence on this platform).  You were a surprise pregnancy that we were so excited for from the beginning.  It took a quick turn and tested my soul and spirit more than I thought was possible.  But you have given me life everyday since I held you in my arms.  Nobody better get in your way in this life because you have already climbed mountains! It was such a blast not finding out your gender until we met you. You are happy, curious, and almost always content....everything anyone would hope for in a child!  I am in complete denial that you turn one in less than a month.  But, you were the babe that allowed me to stay home and watch every milestone happen.  We always knew if we ever were blessed enough to have a third, the costs of daycare would outweigh my paycheck enough to justify being home for a few years.  You have been the best surprise yet.

Mic Drop!

No - this was NOT supposed to happen.  In fact, the exact second that I had an inkling I was pregnant (begrudgingly setting down my red wine on the coffee table to go up and take a test) - the sound of my midwife in the delivery room almost stopped me in my tracks.  I cannot even count how many times she said to me, Daniel and my mom "we cannot do this CANNOT do this again!!"  And again at my 6 week post-partum appointment, "in my medical opinion - you should not have another baby and we should schedule a hysterectomy as soon as you are done nursing next winter."  Then, guess what - positive.  Freaking positive.  To not go into too many details - I am here to personally attest that IT ONLY TAKES ONE TIME folks.  Or at least in my post "infertile" life - this has now happened TWICE.  God is funny like that.  After we wrapped our head around this, we had to go to the principal's doctor's office.  That was the craziest appointment I have ever been to.  We saw the ultrasound tech, two nurses and the receptionist.  All four looked at me worried and said "are you scared to see her (meaning Susan, my amazing midwife)"  YES!  It was terrifying!  I thought for sure she would say we needed to terminate the pregnancy.  Instead, she calmly said we needed to figure out a plan A, B and C - Z to make it through with both a healthy momma and baby at the end.  So here we go again.  This time has been scarier and harder than I could imagine.  Yes, we are so so so blessed and can't wait to be a family of SIX.  But geesh - what I wouldn't give for a normal, run of the mill, extraordinarily happy pregnancy like we got to have the first two times. I will try to muster up a post about all of the complications we have had in the last year (yes, those are still very fresh on my mind, yet somehow also memory-blocked) with Archer's pregnancy and those we have already and are likely to face this time.  It is emotional.  I am not quite myself.  I want to be excited - I AM excited.  But also worried. I already have a baby in heaven and that was unbearable.  As with the last pregnancy - the baby is growing perfectly. My body is just failing me in every way and providing new challenges that are exhausting.
We are due on December 19, but will be delivering at 37 weeks exactly (hopefully) on 
Thanksgiving Day.  Let's do this baby!!

January 8, 2018

Fun Announcement

We have a little announcement to make...

Never in a million years did we imagine we would be able to have another baby.  We were so grateful when God gave us our little Larkin last year after everything my body had been through.  Well...surprises are so much FUN!

This is the first pregnancy we've had without the help of fertility medicine.  I am still nursing the baby and had no symptoms whatsoever that I was pregnant.  In fact, the night we found out, Daniel and I were watching a movie together and I put my glass of wine on the coffee table and said "something just feels off...I'll be right back."  I found the last (probably expired) test I had in the medicine cabinet....and was SHOCKED to see a positive.  Nothing romantic about this reveal to daddy and I went back down the stairs, (almost cried) poured my wine down the sink, and said "well...I'm pregnant!"  His response "how in the world did that happen!?!"

Little miracle baby - we are so ready for you to make our family a party of five. Let's do this!

October 31, 2017

Halloween | 2017

Happy Halloween!! 

This is the first year in a long time that trick-or-treat did not fall on Cael's birthday.  He was a bit sad - but still excited.  Then the weather took a turn and it poured rain and got suuuuuuuper cold. We wrapped up our little pumpkin babies to walk down our street and then hit a few of our friends houses on the other side of town.  Nothing major this year, but we had so much fun!

Cael got to create a different get-up for his school Halloween party.  That morning, he woke up and we both realized we had forgotten to get anything ready (it's the craziest time of year for my work schedule).  He said "no worries mom, I have like a thousand costumes in my toyroom dress-up bin. I'll just throw something together"  I came into his room after nursing Larkin to find this....

How perfect is my child?!

October 30, 2017

Cael | 5 years

Wow! I cannot believe 5 years have passed by so quickly.  You're officially a big kid.  This year was filled with fun!  You had a lot of firsts, and learned new tricks.  You're learning so much and we are so impressed with how smart you are!  You are one of the most creative, inteligent and sweetest kid I've ever met.  I am so blessed you are mine.  Love you, Cael-bo.

Height: 47.6 inches (99th percentile)

Weight:  52.2 pounds (94th percentile)

Size:  Pants/shirts are mostly size 6 at this point, but we're still squeaking out a few size 5. Pajamas have been size 7 for awhile now.  Shoe size is 11.5, and you wear the same exact size hat as your daddy, a 7 1/4 fitted cap.  You are our BIG BOY!

Sleeping:  Your teachers always laugh because when it is "rest time" at school, you are one of the only ones that won't fall asleep after all of the morning activity.  You gave up naps over a year ago though, so I'm not surprised. Thankfully, you go down for bed without a fight, and wake up easily (for the most part).  There are times that you come down after we've put you to bed to just "ask one more question" or get a snack.  You go to bed at 7:30, and you usually wake yourself up for school by 6:50 or 7 in the morning.

Eating:  Your favorite foods are still the most expensive in the store.  Will that ever change? Probably not - you're a growing boy.  You still frown at the idea of a simple meal like grilled cheese, or chicken nuggets.  Instead, you will devour calamari, or breakfast for dinner.  Your favorite snacks are goldfish crackers, yogurt and 

  Playing: You are still obsessed with dinosaurs, legos and crafts.  Your creativity amazes me every day!  You went through a guitar "rock star" phase this year (see pictures below) which was super fun. Any little figure you have at hand, you play with and use your imagination to create a story line for them. Your birthday party for 5 was a dinosaur dig and this was the first year you invited friends to join, instead of just family.  It was a blast!

Milestones: You know all of your numbers, letters, shapes, colors, etc. They say that you are kindergarten ready but your birthday just won't allow you do get a little bored at school.  Your ride your big wheel like a champ! This year you went fishing for the first time, when we were in NC for Dolinski family vacation, with your Papa.  We also learned this year that you are allergic to mosquitos.  Kind of rare, and crazy...but it landed us in the ER 3 times.  You are the best big brother we could have ever imagined for Larkin.  You are a kind, sweet boy!

See more pictures below from the year to become FIVE!

October 16, 2017

Larkin | 1 year

Baby did the last year fly by?  It flew on wings of laughter and a heart so full.  With eyes so blue that you have won over every heart you encounter.  The year flew by with adventures with your big brother who is your absolute favorite person on this planet.  It was filled with curiosity and tenacity.  A few temper tantrums, not many, thankfully.  Wow - there it went.  I remember the day you were born like it was this morning.  It was a perfect Sunday and you are the PERFECT addition to our family.  Larkin Olivia, your name has many meanings and that was very important to us when choosing what people would call you.  You are our miracle babe.  Larkin can mean "silent," "fierce," or a "brave warrior."  You are silent when you watch and study your surroundings to learn everything there is to know.  Or when you watch someone to mimic them later.  The other day you watch Cael and I play piano.  You sat there and just watched, so still.  The next day you were standing on your very tippy toes to play a tune and smiled so big with pride that you could make noise with your fingers too.  Of course you are "fierce."  You have fierce eyes that make me give in at every turn.  You shake and point when you know exactly what you want, and push something away (not rude, just with force) when you are sure you don't.  We love you so much, princess. Happy Birthday, Lolo.

Though she be but little, she is fierce.
- William Shakespeare 

Height: 28.7 inches (30th percentile)

Weight: You little peanut are only 18.7 pounds (20th percentile)

Size: Mostly wearing 9 month clothing but getting into 12 months stuff too, and definitely pajamas (why do those always run that way?).  Your feet are what is the most surprising - still wearing size 1-2 shoes for a 3-6 month old!  I have so many pairs of cute sandals and booties that are just collecting dust in the closet because you probably won't fit until there is snow on the ground.

Sleeping: You love sleep.  I am so grateful for that!  Your naps are pretty consistent at 2 per day (10-1, like clock work; and then again 3 or 4 for about an hour).  You go to bed at the same time as your brother, or a little earlier, around 7:30.  I've been video recording the process of waking you up in the morning so your daddy and relatives can watch.  It is so funny!  You literally throw the covers over yourself like a teenager telling me "no way mom - not happening"

Eating:  Thank you for finally embracing food!  It took awhile, but now you are such a good eater.  You eat every meal that we eat - even the spicey stuff.  In fact, you love things with lots of flavor!  Just like your brother, you're not really into the stereotypical "kid food" and scoff when we try to give you just mac n' cheese or something like that.

  Playing: Basically, whatever Cael is doing, you're doing.  Forget the boxes of baby toys you have at your just want to be in the action of the trucks, dinosaurs and legos -- or wrestling with daddy and bub.  You're showing more interest in walking with pulling yourself up and scooting around the furniture, so I don't think it will be long.  Your favorite toy is a toy phone we got you for your birthday that sings songs and lights up.  Naturally though, since your favorite thing to do is to say "hi" to everyone you see. 

Milestones: Crawling like a champ around every inch of the house.  You are cruising all over the furniture and getting brave.  You have 4 teeth and use them so well to chomp on all of our "adult" meals.  You're saying more words and jabbering sentences together like we know exactly what story you are telling.  Thankfully, you are getting a little less stingy with your giggles.

See more pictures below in the year to become ONE!

July 20, 2017

July 4 | Friends, Fireworks & Fun

The 4th of July is such a fun holiday to celebrate our freedom with friends and family.  I am a huge fan of summer get-togethers, and when you add fireworks into the's a party!  This year, we had a lot going on with the house and some unforeseen disasters (more on that later...this is a happy post!) so it was nice to relax with two of our favorite families with good food and cheap entertainment (our kiddos).  Daniel and I had come to a stopping point on the back porch/yard progress while we waited for the concrete contractor to add drains, railing, etc.  I was even able to add some plants/flowers to pretty it up a bit before the party.

My husbands twin has two adorable girls.  When we all get together, the kids play like siblings (see picture above...this was one of about 10 like this).  It makes our job as parents so much easier!!  Our other friends that came have a son that was born a week prior to Larkin.  Yes, we are planning their life together -- it's fine.

See more picture below from our fun day celebrating!

July 18, 2017

Larkin | 9 Months

How in the world are we this close to your first birthday?  I need time to slow down so I can savor every second with you.  Larkin Olivia, my sweet little are an angel.  I swear that you have only cried a handful of times since you were born.  Some of our friends have never even heard your cry!!  You are on your own agenda and time table to do we try to let things happen naturally and not push it...which is working.  Just as when you were little, we let you determine your schedule, and thank goodness we did, because it works out so nicely.  Maybe this is the difference of the "second child" in us...or maybe you're just that AWESOME!  This month was filled with a lot of fun adventures and watching you grow more into your personality.  Your favorite person in the whole world is Cael, but Momma and the cat come in a close second tie.  Your smile is contagious.  You go with the flow.  Everyone that is lucky enough to meet you, adores you. 

Height: 23 inches; 8th percentile. You get those genes honest from your DD.

Weight: 16 pounds, 10 ounces; 22nd percentile.  You sweet little thing!

Size: Such a little peanut!  You are still rocking size 2 diapers, though we did bust out the 3s toward the end of the month to see how much they sagged on your bum. Most of your clothes are 9 months now (especially jammies), but you can wear 6 month pants.  This month you were baptized in the gown that all of the women in momma's family 2 days old.  And it fit you perfectly.  You are little, but very strong.

Sleeping: Happy to report you still LOVE your sleep!  Naps have stayed pretty much the same (9am - 12pm, then 2pm-4:30pm).  You did drop the evening nap you used to give us while we were cooking dinner and having one-on-one time with Cael; and instead you just extended the afternoon nap a bit.  Of course, you don't nap the same on the days you are at daycare all day, so that messes with the nighttime a little bit too.  At night, you like your bedtime around 8/8:30 and then sleep until I need to nurse you before work around 7:30. I am worried for when school starts and I have to wake you at 6:40...because you do not like to be awoken before you're ready.

Eating:  FINALLY!  You finally like food!  Of course, in true Larkin don't really care for "baby" food mashes.  Instead, you want the real thing.  Pieces of carrot, cheerios, and teething biscuits are your jam.  You haven't turned your nose to anything yet, thank goodness. You want to feed yourself.  Your pincher and raking motions, with fine-motor skills are really good!  You learned to drink from a straw really early too, which is nice when we are out so I can give you a quick drink of water, which you love. You do really well with your sippy cup with water, but not milk or juice (which we had to try to alleviate some constipation...but you weren't having it).

  Playing:   You could make a whole day of entertainment out of watching your big brother play. I think you are taking mental notes of all of the trouble fun he is getting into. You love sitting on a blanket outside to empty a bin of toys.  You aren't mobile yet (surprisingly) so it is nice that I can put you somewhere to play and get things done nearby while watching you explore the world around you, safely. You like anything you can get into your mouth to chew your teething gums on.  You love all of Cael's big boy we have had many lessons on keeping legos out of your reach!  You squeal with delight when you watch Cael play t-ball! You also clap with your feet, and sometimes your hands. It's the sweetest thing! Video of that here

Milestones:  You cut your first tooth at the beginning of the month.  Still just one.  If you want something badly enough, you will scoot your bum to get to it.  Otherwise, you're not mobile.  You are loving the bouncer/exersaucer (video), but not so much the johnny jumper (which you think is just a big swing).  You enjoy stroller rides with big bro, especially now that you face forward in the front to see where we are going.  You sit in the big part of the grocery cart and get fawned over by all of the old ladies int he store. You eat food...anything you can get your hands on!  And you had your last nap in the swing before we put it away this month. You never did like it to make a swinging motion, but it snuggled you like a baby and made for a good living room nap. You say momma, dad, bub, milk and up - your little voice is so cute! And you started "flirting" with EVERYONE this month with a funny stare and then grin because you just know you're so cute (video).

See more pictures below, using the link:

July 5, 2017

Projects or Maintenance - not both

My husband is a teacher and wrestling coach...which means two things: 6 months out of the year he is TOTALLY out of commission, and for exactly 3 months I have my very own Chip Gaines (and daddy daycare!).  Bring on the summer honey-do project list!  We LOVE our house and have tackled so many projects since moving in.  But, we have found that we are either in project mode, or maintenance mode. We can't do both.

When we start to tackle a project in the house, it takes all of our extra time and energy once the kids are fed and happy (or sleeping, in most cases).  Then the house becomes mass chaos of a mess.  Literally, there is no maintaining any sort of order when we are in project mode.  Does anyone else have the problem?  Or a solution, perhaps?  In the throws of our latest project of tearing off the back porch, there wasn't a clean dish or pair of underwear to be found.  We finally got to a stopping point while we wait on the concrete repairs and we took a look at our house through the cobwebs.  Gross!  It took every bit of the 4-day weekend for the holiday to get things cleaned up and put away....including things from vacation....last month. 

Did I mention that messes stress me out?  Like, if our house makes the day-to-day harder, my anxiety goes through the roof and I want to immediately organize all.the.things.  But then there's this construction zone that needs my attention instead so we can call the project DONE-ZO.  
It's a vicious cycle!  And everything starts to resemble"If You Give A Mouse A Cookie."

So for all of you DIY-ers in the world...can I get an amen?  Or some helpful hints would be nice too.

June 18, 2017

Daddy's Day 2017

How did we get so lucky?

Cael and Larkin have hands-down, the best daddy they could ever wish for! Daniel is a big kid himself who loves to play.  There is almost always an impromptu wrestling match in the living room between D and our little ninja.  And he treats Larkin like a princess!

We're so excited to spoil him with love this Father's day, and every day. He is the most hard-working  and dedicated man in the world.  Our kids have an excellent role model. I fell in love with him 12 years ago, but even more so on the day each of our kids was born.  Watching him become the greatest daddy to our little crew has been amazing.  We love you!

June 17, 2017

Larkin | 8 Months

You are the most perfect child, Larkin Olivia (LoLo when you're being feisty or cute).  It shouldn't come as a surprise anymore that you light up any room you are in and make everyone around you smile until their cheeks hurt.  I love that you grin at everyone, but still bury your head in my chest if you aren't sure about someone that is approaching.  You are so vastly different than your brother in hitting milestones and growth chart elements, so I'm figuring it all out again with you.  I cry every time I think about how fast you are growing and approaching the bittersweet "one year" mark.  Now that daddy and big bro are out of school for the summer, you are soaking up so much more family time at home.  We've also gone on a lot of adventures this month!  From trips to Cincinnati to see the Gilbert grandparents and Uncle J, to vacation in the NC Mountains with the Dolinski are a champ at traveling!  Like, seriously, the best traveler ever (thank you!)! Your personality is so fun and your giggle melts my heart every time.   We love you so much sweet girl!

Height:  Not sure exactly since we don't go back until you are 9 months. I know you have grown a little bit, but not too much since you are still a little peanut!

Weight:  Same as height...not sure yet. My guess is about 17 pounds. Maybe.

Size:  Still rocking the size 2 diapers, somehow. We are all over the board with can still wear size 6 month, but we've been using some of the 9 month rompers with this heat.  You have the teeniest feet ever, and can finally fit into size 0-3 month shoes. Same goes for your hat, which we had to go get a size newborn for the pool. 

Sleeping: love your sleep!! Always have, and I pray that continues! You've been really consistent since about 3 months old with taking the longest nap in the morning (9 - noon); then nap again 3-4:30 and sometimes 6:30-7.  At night, you are typically really easy to put to sleep with a routine of bath, and relaxing with big bro on his bed with a story and some giggles before nursing to sleepy-town.  You usually sleep from 8:30 - 8 straight through, with maybe a fuss for your binky that fell through the cracks, around 6 a.m.  Keep it up little lady!

Eating:  You are not interested whatsoever in baby food.  We've learned this month that you do like to try our table food though!  We just keep trying every kind of food imaginable to see if you will start to eat solids, instead of just milk.  We had to start supplementing with formula this month (I'm sure mostly because my body probably thinks you are eating solids!!)  Here is a typical day: Wake-up: nurse; Lunch: nurse or milk-bottle (appx 6-7 oz) and a fruit or veggie; Snack: formula bottle (6 oz) and yogurt bites, or a teething bisquit; Dinner: nurse (not a lot, and not always) and a veggie or whatever we are having for supper; Bedtime: nurse and a 4 oz formula bottle

  Playing:   You love to dig out all of the things out of your toy bin. I try to keep things interesting with a rotation, or your brother will sneak his toys into it too. Your favorite thing is to watch Cael play.  You squeal with excitement when he notices you watching him and plays along with you.  You love to be outside and sit in the grass.  You aren't crawling yet, but if we put a toy far enough away you love to reeeeeeaaaach hard for it and wiggle your way by scooting. You play really well independently!  Which is so nice since you aren't mobile yet, I can sit you on a quilt with a few toys and get a quick shower or do the dishes while you play.

Milestones:  You are talking up a storm this month!  Your favorite words are "mama" "buba" (for Cael) "dada" and "ball."  I love being able to hold full conversations with my little chatter box.  Feeding yourself using raking fingers and pinching fingers.  Discovering new toys that have been mixed in with the old toys.  You love to sign "milk." 

See more pictures below, using the link:

June 16, 2017

Stylish Kiddos | 4th of July

Baby Girl  |  Little Man

We love dressing our kiddos in stylish (and affordable) clothes for special occasions.  
We love it even more when these clothes can serve more than a one-time purpose.  Bring on family vacation game night AND fourth of July!  A friend of ours (thanks, Trisha!) bought Larkin this adorable tank/tutu combo from the Cat & Jack line at cute is that!?  I knew as soon as I saw it that we could be "Team America" for game night on vacation, and was able to grab this tank from Carters for Cael (for under $10, using promo code: SUNNYDAY). 

I can't wait to watch their eyes light up when the fireworks BOOM and we celebrate our freedom!

**This post is not sponsored by Target or Carters....I just love their products.

May 25, 2017

First Year of Pre-K

This kid had a really good school year! How in the world is he already done with his first year in "big-kid" school?  I'm amazed by his knowledge and curiosity every single day. He started as the (huge) 3-year old in class, and the teachers would often forget that he was the baby in the room. I credit a lot of his resiliency of a 9-hour school day to the fun programming he had in preschool with our daycare, and the amazing teachers he had this year. He has learned so much and made great friends. He's already excited to go back to school next year and promises more "green lights."

We had a fun reflection on the eve of his last day of pre-k.  He answered the questions below and we giggled about stories he told me involving he and the friends he made.  Because of his birthday, he will be going back for one more year of pre-k next year and will end up being one of the oldest in his grade throughout school....but I'm perfectly okay with that for his growth and development.

2016 - 2017

Grade:  Pre-K, a.m. & p.m. session with aftercare with the YMCA
Age:  3 to start, then 4 on October 30
Height:  3' 8"
Weight:  52 pounds
Shoe Size:  11
When I grow up:  Police officer, "army dude", construction worker or doctor to toys
Favorite Color:  Blue, like Leonardo the ninja turtle
Favorite Food:  Smoothies, yogurt and popcorn
Favorite Toy:  Dinosaurs, costumes, coloring, transformers and the leap pad
Favorite TV Show:  PJ Masks, Wild Kratz Adventures and Disney Movies
Favorite Book: Pete the Cat series, "A Rumble In The Jungle," "No Jumping On The Bed"
Memories from this year:  Field trips to a pumpkin farm (with me, 39 weeks preggo on a hayride in the middle of nowhere!), and to the potato chip factory; meeting new friends and a new routine.
Funniest moment:  The week we delivered baby sis, there was no way we could fit in time to complete his homework. I had warned his teacher, but Cael kept taking it in everyday and told her that he had done it, handing her a blank paper.  She said "it's ok, you don't have to do it this week" and he rebutted with "Mrs. B! I did it in white crayon, see?!"
Friends: Liam (all 3 of them), Delaney, Emaline, Christopher

March 19, 2017

Getting Back Into Blogging

Do you ever get so overwhelmed with "the list" that you don't know where to start?  Like, no matter if you just dive in to tackle one of the tasks, it won't be enough because there are just too many lingering.  That's where I am at with this blog.  Scratch that...that's where I am with life at the moment.  I struggle every day with trying to savor every moment with the kids, keep our house semi-presentable, and watching my to-do list {that I've created on the ceiling when I can't sleep at night} grow by the second.  I've tried to make a plan of attack...but I can't get something done start-to-finish without a thousand interruptions, or the feeling that I something else on the list is priority.  Each thing is going to take time.  But, for the blog I've got to start them all at once! So here goes.

But first...a look at my "excuses" to ignore the to-do's

The plan...

Update the blog design/template
Post updates for baby Larkin (for goodness sakes...she is 5 months old)
Post updates on Cael
Add tabs for Food/Recipes, Home Decor, DIY, etc

The timeline...

I'm self-imposing a June 1 deadline, for many reasons.  My professional life is a bit slower in the summer months and I like to take advantage of that time with my family to make the best memories. And, I know myself...if I don't put it on my calendar, it will get pushed back until the next time I beat myself up over it.

Who's with me?

June 29, 2015

Weekend Wrap-Up: Lucky in Love

Its been just over a month since I posted about the current struggle our little family is facing.  In the midst of heartache, recovery and healing....I have more urge then ever to get back into blogging.  I do have an update on my health, and will share that soon.  I'm finding it difficult to write it, say it out loud, and relive through words.  Please know that I am on the mend, and there is hope, but continued prayers are very much appreciated.

Now, for the fun!  Back to the "Weekend Wrap-Up" posts.  Here we go!

This weekend's theme: "Rain on your wedding day is good luck"

We unpacked moved our clothes from the Florida suitcases to weekend duffle bags and headed to my hometown for a wedding.  I was excited to go to another darkside wedding extravaganza, and was planning on it just being me and Cael while Daniel stayed behind to paint the front porch.  Then we looked at the forecast....

Friday night we made it in after work and enjoyed the company of my sisters and their men.  We are beyond blessed that as sisters we have found significant others that not only get along, but often leave us to have adventures on their own.  This night was no different as they escaped the madness for a bit to go to the local bar, while us girls had some time with each other and the kids (and if you follow me on instagram, some of these will be repeats).  

May 18, 2015

And Time Stood Still...

I've been hesitant to write this post for some time now.  Mostly because I ask can I re-enter the blogosphere like this?  I've missed 22 monthly Cael updates, 93 weekend wrap-ups, 35 holidays, a few life updates (moving back to Ohio, purchasing our first house, etc),  countless house projects, and at least 2,334,980 pictures.  I've had posts waiting in the wings for over a year, that just needed a few uploaded pictures. it is.  The story that I have to get out, put it "on the line" as my husband would say, and shout it to the world to get it off my chest.  

But first...a picture of my amazing child, splashing in the sprinkler on Mother's Day.  

My fingers are on the keyboard begging to write happy things and share pictures of my beautiful family.  But this story, is not a happy thing, though we are praying for a happy ending. So, here it goes.....

September, 2014 

My beautiful sister Megan stood in front of family and friends to bring Andrew into our family forever.  They are the happiest couple on earth.  We waited patiently for the wedding during their two-year engagement.  We waited for the wedding, because that's when Daniel and I knew we would start trying for another baby.  

We tried, and tried, and tried.  That sounds like fun, right?  I can assure you that it wasn't.  We became very tired and frustrated after tracking ovulation, taking vitamins, researching and talking about it constantly.  And, of course it is nobody's fault when we had to cry when we said our nightly prayers because nearly every week at least one person would say, "well, you better not wait much longer to give Cael a baby sister".  We wanted to shout to the world..."we're trying, damn it!"  Cael happened without trying, so we tried that philosophy too.  

July 22, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up

It seems every weekend for the past two months has been filled with chaos, and much of the same.  Packing, searching for something to eat in our kitchen that gets more bare by the minute so we are making strange meals out of nothing, and trying to soak up one last bit of Virginia before the big move.

FRIDAY:  Daniel got home from being in Ohio for a week and rescued me came to get the baby from my office around lunch time so I could frantically get some work done before the weekend, and more importantly, before my last week of work.  When I got home, we played with Cael and decompressed a bit since he had been up since five and drove over 8 hours.  Then we got in the car to head to dinner...the old hat routine of not knowing where to end up but too hungry to really care if it was scraps from a dumpster.  It was pushing Cael's bedtime (that's quickly becoming a habit on Friday nights these days) and so we wanted something quick and easy.  After rattling off everything we know we won't be able to get in Ohio in a week after the move....Noodles, Potbelly, Fosters...we somehow always land on "The Hotel" otherwise known as City Tavern in Old Towne.  Anyone that knows my husband or has come to visit, will understand why we have eaten here about 550 times in the past month to get our complete "fill."

June 30, 2013

Cael | 8 Months

You are the most fantastic child...most of the time.  The milestones you hit this month almost make me cry every time I think about how fast you are growing and approaching the bittersweet "one year" mark.  We did so many fun things this month: We went to the train festival in Manassas because you love choo-choo's; had a few playdates with cousin Harper before they move to Ohio; said goodbye to your wonderful nanny, Ms. Millie since we also learned we are moving to Ohio (woop woop!); went to graduation parties and playdates; and ended the month with a fantastic vacation with the Dolinski/Gonya clan to Gulf Shores, Alabama (more on that in a separate post, soon!)  You are now a baby on the move!!  It makes it so much more difficult and funny to try to keep up with you since you go-go-go as soon as you are put on the ground.  You started with an army crawl, and by vacation had developed an all-fours race to every toy or object in sight.  You are growing into such a little man, and your personality is developing more and more with every face and sound you make.  The beginning of the month you were still squealing like you did last month, then you started with babbling and noises that even crack you up!  Long gone are the days of holding my "baby" just want to be independent, and that's what we are trying to let you do.  You love exploring and are so interested in the world around you.  It makes everyone around you laugh when they see your "studying" face at first before breaking into a huge smile once you've determined the atmosphere is fun.  You make it fun!  And we love you sweet boy!

June 11, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up

Weekends are busy.  Weekends with a child are just bananas.  So instead of compiling all of the crazy details/pictures of the weekends in a month into the monthly post, I decided to give this a try.  Bring on: Weekly Wrap-Up.  I actually wanted to start this a few weeks ago, so don't be surprised if there are a few back-dated entries added soon. ;)

This weekend:

-  Friday we had our first night out since baby...with a bedtime.  Luckily, we had the most amazing sitter in the world.  She is truly a pro (I mean, afterall, this is what she does!)  So after playing, eating and a little fussing, she got Cael to go to sleep while we went with friends to have dinner and drinks.  It was the perfect night of laughs and adult conversation...and a perfect ending picking up sweet baby boy, all snuggled up with Stephanie and Noah.

- Saturday morning we cleaned the house, as per usual.  We finally managed to lower the crib (and with that, found about a dozen pacifiers that had fallen through!).  Then had "date night in" (Tilapia with a home-made strawberry/mango salsa)

June 3, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up

This Weekend:

We lounged, played, napped and the order, and on repeat. :)

- Friday night, we had our usual "I don't know what I'm hungry for, but I'm starving...I'm too tired to cook since it's Friday...oh crum, now it's almost Cael's bedtime and we still haven't decided what to eat...let's just go drive and see where we land" scenario that happens almost weekly (we can't be the only couple that does this..but seriously, it's annoying!)  We landed at Qdoba.  We haven't been there in about three years.  We sat outside and pushed Cael's bedtime back (woo on the edge!!) and enjoyed each other's company.

- Saturday morning Cael surprised us by waking up at 9 (ha! probably thanks to the late night partying!)  After he nursed, he was in a funny mood.  Squealing to his little heart's content and just playing with everything he could get his hands on.  Then, we all headed to the train festival in Old Towne.  It was neat, and Cael loves "choo choos" as his cousin Waylon calls them.  Bad semi-new phone fell off the stroller and shattered into pieces.  We headed to Verizon, and of course, I bought it from Target so it is not covered by insurance. FAIL. Off to figure out alternative solutions.  Then we headed home and lounged outside.

- Sunday we had a Pizza Playdate with cousin Harper at their house before their big move to Ohio, coming up at the end of this month.  Playdates are so much more entertaining now that the babies are mobile, and they realize they can play together instead of just batting at the other's head, or grabbing ears.  That's not to say that they don't still do that...but afterwards, they laugh. :)