June 30, 2013

Cael | 8 Months

You are the most fantastic child...most of the time.  The milestones you hit this month almost make me cry every time I think about how fast you are growing and approaching the bittersweet "one year" mark.  We did so many fun things this month: We went to the train festival in Manassas because you love choo-choo's; had a few playdates with cousin Harper before they move to Ohio; said goodbye to your wonderful nanny, Ms. Millie since we also learned we are moving to Ohio (woop woop!); went to graduation parties and playdates; and ended the month with a fantastic vacation with the Dolinski/Gonya clan to Gulf Shores, Alabama (more on that in a separate post, soon!)  You are now a baby on the move!!  It makes it so much more difficult and funny to try to keep up with you since you go-go-go as soon as you are put on the ground.  You started with an army crawl, and by vacation had developed an all-fours race to every toy or object in sight.  You are growing into such a little man, and your personality is developing more and more with every face and sound you make.  The beginning of the month you were still squealing like you did last month, then you started with babbling and noises that even crack you up!  Long gone are the days of holding my "baby"...you just want to be independent, and that's what we are trying to let you do.  You love exploring and are so interested in the world around you.  It makes everyone around you laugh when they see your "studying" face at first before breaking into a huge smile once you've determined the atmosphere is fun.  You make it fun!  And we love you sweet boy!

Height:  Not sure exactly since we don't go back until you are 9 months. But we know you have grown because we had to lower the crib now that you pull yourself up!  We measured with a tape, and you are about 29 inches or so.

Weight:  You were actually weighed when we had to go to the doctor on July 5, just after your 8 month mark and came in at a healthy/hefty 21 1/2 pounds!

Head Size:  Not sure on this one, will find out at 9 months
Size:  Still wearing size three diapers; Pretty much wearing all 12 month clothes, and even some 18 month PJs; you can still squeeze into some 9-12 month clothes, but it's a stretch (literally); Size 2/3 shoes; Size 18 month hat (no surprise there!); And the really funny one...you are wearing the same size swimmer diaper as your two year old cousin because of your weight (size M)!

Sleeping:  This has been a little bit of a struggle this month thanks to teething.  You started out the month amazingly, as you had in the past, going to bed around 8-9 and sleeping until 7-8 with maybe only one fuss in the middle of the night to which you put yourself right back to sleep.  Then teething happened (two broke through this month!) and you forgot what it was to self-soothe.  And then...we went on vacation where your sleep pattern got even trickier thanks to naps on the beach/pool because of the heat and playing exhaustion, and fussing a bit at night.  Vacation also brought the first night mommy was away overnight (flew to Tiffin for interview for two days)...poor daddy had to hear a lot of "momma...mommmmaaaaa" in the middle of the night!

Eating:  We have loved to make your baby food and introduce you to so many different kinds of food/solids!  You were still exclusively breastfed, meaning no formula bottles, until vacation when Mommy had to fly out of town and didn't have enough pumped in the condo.  The one or two bottles you had to drink of formula, you despised with all of your might!  DD and daddy said you just looked at them like "umm...excuse me, where is the good stuff?"  Your schedule has remained pretty constant with eating in the last month or so, just added another serving since you were still showing signs of hunger.  Wake-up: nurse; Morning: breakfast consists of breast-milk oatmeal (2 oz) and a fruit; Lunch: nurse or milk-bottle (appx 6-7 oz) and a veggie; Snack: puffs/yogurt/cheese/etc and a smaller milk-bottle or nurse (5 oz); Dinner: nurse (not a lot, and not always), protein and veggie, breast-milk oatmeal (2 oz); Bedtime: nurse or 8 oz milk-bottle

  Playing:   You love to be outside, playing, splashing in your baby-pool or riding in the stroller.  There were so many toys that you showed no interest in until this month since you are now able to use them (bring on the standing tables, walk-behind carts, and riding cars!).  You tend to ignore toys that have been in the box for months, until we hide it for a week or so then it's like brand new to you all over again! You still play independently pretty well, but don't like it now when we leave the room without still talking to you.  You are getting very good at peek-a-boo!!

Milestones: Crawling all over the place, finally on all fours, or bear crawling; Pulling yourself up on tables and anything you can reach with your strong little arms; Feeding yourself using raking fingers and pinching fingers; Discovering new toys that have been mixed in with the old toys; Reaching your arms out for people; and at the end of the month, standing on your own thanks to the pool water on vacation...now you will let go of anything and "trust" yourself not to fall!

"Caelisms":  Understanding the word "no," but instead of stopping...you test mommy and daddy and continue to do whatever it is that we are saying no to, with a cute little smirk on your face, ornery boy;  Splashing yourself in the pool or tub and cracking yourself up about it; Standing up in your crib in the morning when you are ready to get up...and then of course, in Cael fashion...bouncing like crazy when we get to the door.  I swear you are going to jump right out of that thing!  You love to be outside, and happily kick your feet in the stroller when we go for walks; cuddling with anyone who is willing...or even not willing sometimes (see picture below of kissing baby Harper!!)

Now bring on the picture madness:

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