July 5, 2017

Projects or Maintenance - not both

My husband is a teacher and wrestling coach...which means two things: 6 months out of the year he is TOTALLY out of commission, and for exactly 3 months I have my very own Chip Gaines (and daddy daycare!).  Bring on the summer honey-do project list!  We LOVE our house and have tackled so many projects since moving in.  But, we have found that we are either in project mode, or maintenance mode. We can't do both.

When we start to tackle a project in the house, it takes all of our extra time and energy once the kids are fed and happy (or sleeping, in most cases).  Then the house becomes mass chaos of a mess.  Literally, there is no maintaining any sort of order when we are in project mode.  Does anyone else have the problem?  Or a solution, perhaps?  In the throws of our latest project of tearing off the back porch, there wasn't a clean dish or pair of underwear to be found.  We finally got to a stopping point while we wait on the concrete repairs and we took a look at our house through the cobwebs.  Gross!  It took every bit of the 4-day weekend for the holiday to get things cleaned up and put away....including things from vacation....last month. 

Did I mention that messes stress me out?  Like, if our house makes the day-to-day harder, my anxiety goes through the roof and I want to immediately organize all.the.things.  But then there's this construction zone that needs my attention instead so we can call the project DONE-ZO.  
It's a vicious cycle!  And everything starts to resemble"If You Give A Mouse A Cookie."

So for all of you DIY-ers in the world...can I get an amen?  Or some helpful hints would be nice too.

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