August 31, 2012

30w6d: Cucumber

Rehearsal dinner for Peter and Lindsay....a bit blurry, but still showing off that very big 30 week BUMP!

How far along?: 30 weeks, 6 days
Maternity clothes:  Still lucky enough to mix, but only on certain things. Anything with loose elastic (maxi skirts, yoga pants, etc) work fine still, but shirts are another story.  The dress in this picture is actually a regular dress that stretches really well.
Stretch marks: A few more creeping up...but it may have been a result of all of the running around I did this weekend for the wedding, and the dancing...oh the dancing. haha
Sleep: Not the greatest, but not the worst week so far.  Sleep is for the birds.
 Best moment this week: Watching Peter and Lindsay get married; visiting with amazing college friends and sharing our pregnancy excitement and stories with them (this little man is sooooo loved already by a LOT of Uncles and Aunties); traveling to Ohio, even though it wasn't to either of our "homes"...Ohio is home to us, and we just feel right when we are in the state itself, with people that we love.
Miss Anything: Family, particularly because the belly is getting so big and "fun".  He is so active and you can feel his every move...I want so badly to share this with my mom and sisters.  I'd say alcohol, but at the wedding, the non-alcoholic Becks the bartender stashed and chilled for me were amazing.
Movement: He is a crazy baby! His movements are almost too strong for me to handle sometimes, especially at night! We swear there might be two babies in there because at any given time we feel two distinct "heads"....and believe us, we know the difference between a head and a butt...and these two very round hard objects protruding from my sides are waaaaay too far apart to be both. haha
Symptoms:  Hunger and thirst all of the time; hot flashes...and sweating (gross, I know); leg cramps at night; heartburn; sweeeeeeellllling big time (I hate looking "puffy"...with man hands...and elephant feet, haha); emotional swings (just ask my husband how much fun these are to deal with!? Example: on the turnpike driving home, the starbucks worker refused to wash his hands after coming in from smoking before making my drink, after I "politely" asked him to....this turned into me storming out and crying/pouting for five minutes because all I wanted was a hot drink to keep me awake for the drive...haha)
Food cravings: ANYTHING.  Everything we ate over the weekend for Pete/Lindsay's wedding was amazing; Yogurt with granola; ice cream; PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES...OMG, so excited these are back on the menu!; apples (like two a day); milk and cookies; BBQ chicken
Anything making you queasy or sick:  The usual
Have you started to show yet: YES.  Our college friends had so many jokes about my ever-growing belly...and every time I would laugh so hard, my belly would shake. haha
Labor Signs: Just some uncomfortable pressure, and a few small contractions here and there.  I can definitely tell my hips are making way for baby because they are KILLING me constantly.
Belly Button in or out?: Depends on the day actually.  For the past few weeks it had been creeping outward to almost an "outtie"...but now, it's going back the other way.  Strangest thing!
Wedding rings on or off: Off most days, but trying to keep them on a bit longer.
General Mood:  Happy; Busy; Anxious; Excited; Nervous; Nostalgic
Best advice this week:  To not let pregnancy change my lifestyle too drastically.  At the wedding, there were 8 (yes 8!!!) pregnant women of all different stages. The matron-of-honor was due any second, and she was a rock-star.  She had a lot of good advice and was generally amazing to talk to.  Three of us were getting ready for the wedding festivities and we decided to compare bare bellies in the bathroom.  This lead to so many fun stories about the craziness that pregnancy can bring.  This was her second boy, and she had a lot of good tips.
Worst advice this week:  Not really advice, but just a misunderstanding.  I don't like when people assume that since I'm pregnant, I'm disabled.  Don't get me wrong...I love and appreciate the help and pampering that is received because sometimes that "box is too heavy" the "shelf is too high and I don't need to be on a ladder" and "it really is too hot to be running around like crazy".  But I don't like to be treated too much differently just because I have a baby.  There are women that are far stronger than me, with other children they are taking care of, accomplishing a lot more than I ever could in a day.  We are not disabled, we are able to care for a growing human being in the best way we know how....and I do know my limits.
Exercise:  Does running around like a bossy mad-woman wedding planner all weekend count?  If not, I was equally sweating from my slick belly moves on the dance floor all night. haha
Looking forward to: SO MUCH!  We knew once the wedding was over with, it is all things baby until he comes.  This coming weekend is our Virginia shower and maternity photo session (with a name reveal! yay!).  Next weekend (eeeek!!) is our Ohio shower.  The following is our hospital tour/pre-registration, and birthing class.  After all that is said and done, we should be able to finalize the nursery decor and purchase whatever is left for baby G.

August 30, 2012

30w appt: Define "professional"

I had our 30 week appointment an hour before we were scheduled to leave for Peter and Lindsay's wedding in Ohio.  They scheduled it this way to make sure I could get the green-light to travel.  I was anxious to get the results from my glucose screening at 26 weeks, and had a blackberry memo list of questions for the doctor.  I scheduled this appointment with the physician Daniel and I thought we wanted to deliver us, if possible (because really it is whomever is on call that day/night).

The doctor came in, asked me how I was feeling, and started up the machine to hear the heartbeat.  He told me that he had delivered a baby at 2:30 a.m. that morning, and hadn't slept yet...and that he wanted to cancel his appointments, but he knew I needed to be seen.  We found the heartbeat, so he quickly turned off the monitor and asked me if I had any questions.  I pulled out my phone and started to ask him about the illness (head cold/sore throat) I had come down with earlier that week.  He blew off the question and told me he couldn't give me anything (duh, that's not what I was asking for) but that if I developed a fever to go to the ER immediately, especially while I was in Ohio.  Then he started rambling on about the cord-blood bank registry, asking me if I had signed up yet.  I told him to refer to our chart and he would see that at 20 weeks, we discussed this and declined this procedure.  He started to leave the room as if we were done, so I couldn't get any more questions answered.  I was able to sneak in one more about my swelling and the pressure I felt the night before (literally....felt like so much pain and that baby boy wanted OUT NOW!).  He said, "maybe they were light that what they felt like?"  I told him "um, this is my first baby, so I have no idea what an actual contraction 'feels like'."  His response....unbelievably, "I'm not a woman, so I have no idea either...but if you were able to talk on the phone or to your husband, it wasn't a contraction".  OMG.  He did not seriously say that.  And then he left.

I was befuddled and in tears as I left the office.  Then it hit me when I got to the parking lot...he never gave me the results of my glucose test.  That a-hole.  Now I was not just upset and confused....I was raging mad.  I ran back in the building because I knew they would be closing soon....but even if I could get with the nurse about the test results, I could rest easy that weekend in Ohio.  Coincidentally, I ran into the doctor on the elevator.  He was on his cell phone, but I interrupted him by screaming that he never told me the test results, or finished answering my questions.  He continued on his cell with his friend, until the call dropped from being in the elevator...when he proceeded to cuss and throw a little fit because he didn't have the phone as a scape-goat anymore.  He told me to call the office to get the results, that he forgot.  Then he was on his way... and I quickly decided since it was too late to leave the whole practice all-together (not that I really want to because I LOVE my normal physician...she just doesn't deliver babies) that this doctor WOULD NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES deliver my baby.

I called the office to get the test results.  The nurse must of had a head's up, because normally they aren't permitted to discuss it over the phone, so I was ready for the whole story about how I was supposed to call to get the results because of an unprofessional/negligent doctor.  Good news...and the silver lining....I passed with flying colors.

I promptly called to rescheduled all future appointments with anyone but him.  I'm half-tempted to write a letter to the board, or at least to the partners of the practice....maybe I'll just refer them to my blog. haha :) 

August 22, 2012

29w3d: Acorn Squash

How far along? 29 weeks 3 days
Maternity clothes:  Still able to wear some of my normal clothes...except for maybe my size small/medium t-shirts which now creep up and make it look like I'm rocking the 90's belly shirt.  I think I'll be stealing D's t-shirts for the remainder. :) 
Stretch marks: This is a very sore subject because I'm starting to see some faint purple lines in areas that I was hoping to avoid.  I keep reminding myself that I'm a tiger, earning my stripes...but it's still hard to see.
Sleep: I swear it's for the birds, and this is God's way of preparing both Mommy and Daddy for life with a child.  I'm up, so D is up...then one of us falls asleep until something wakes us both up.  It's a never-ending cycle these days...err nights.
 Best moment this week: Getting the nursery worked on! The walls are painted, thanks to my amazing work horse of a husband.  The dresser is all up together, and we love it. Just waiting on the call that our glider/recliner is ready for pick-up so we can go get it and the crib to put in the room.  We are so anxious to get this done to a point that we can see a "baby" room.
Miss Anything: Not being so achy all of the time.  The ability to sit on the floor and get up with some grace and dignity. My old work clothes.  And not having to worry about things all of the time...I suppose it comes with the territory, but if I'm the least bit stressed, I worry even more about what it is doing to baby and how in the world I can avoid it even in an unavoidable situation at work or with life.
Movement: He is very busy nestling in to this third trimester.  I can tell he is getting bigger though because the jabs are starting to feel more like rolls.  He still startles me sometimes with how hard he can move my stomach to one side!  We have a strong little one in there!
Symptoms:  Sleepiness...are we back in the first trimester again, I swear?! Leg cramps; overall body aches, especially in the hips; swelling; oily skin (which I am NOT used to because I used to be very dry on my face, but now I have to blot three times a day!); hunger/thirstiness; and general nerves about the next 8-10 weeks...feeling like there is still so much to do, but zero time.
Food cravings: Basically anything.  Peanut butter tastes really good these days, but I've always loved it.  For whatever reason this week I've craved more carbs than usual...trying to avoid that craving is nearly impossible!!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  The usual. 
Have you started to show yet: It is so strange that some people I see on a regular basis (the deputies at the Courthouse I see daily, and some of my clients) said this week "Oh my gosh, I had no idea you were pregnant!!" and then other people (our saleswoman we bought the crib from, other clients in the office, and people in public) ask me if I'm due any day because "you just look like you're ready to pop...are you due this week?!"  Um no...thanks, I just ate a huge bowl of fruit and am swollen out to there...and you don't look so great yourself! haha  One woman even told me she thought I was almost due because it looked like I had "dropped".  Yikes.
Labor Signs: Still dealing with Braxton Hicks contractions every now and then, but other than that, we're good.
Belly Button in or out?: Same...flat and sometimes pouted out.
Wedding rings on or off: Off most days because I'm worried they are getting too tight.
General Mood: Happy, but very sleepy.
Best advice this week: People keep telling me to stop wearing my heels to work.  I only wear them one or two days a week...but I'm starting to think it isn't even worth it because of all the comments I have to hear throughout the day.  And one of my clients gave me some funny, but apparently true, tricks to induce labor naturally after 38 weeks if the doctor wants to induce anyway so that it can happen without the use of drugs.  She is apparently "medically trained" in the field...and I looked them up to see if they were a joke, and couldn't find that she was wrong. 
Worst advice this week:  Nothing really.  I sort of miss hearing all of the funny tales people have, but I suppose that does come most when you are newly pregnant. 
Exercise:  Stretching, walking, and some stairs (we have a flight at work that I have to use at least five times daily)...which are getting to be a bit more of a task because I'm out of breath a lot faster than I used to be! haha 
Looking forward to:  All of the fun things we have in store the next few weeks.  Getting the nursery done, Pete and Lindsay's wedding, Virginia baby shower, Ohio baby shower (finger's crossed we get the doc's approval since I'll be 34 weeks, yikes!), maternity pictures, and pregnancy prep class and hospital registration/tour (this makes it feel REAL!)  After that, it will be October 1, and hopefully we can just enjoy each other and wait for baby.

August 21, 2012

Two Years, Wedded Bliss

Last year on our one-year anniversary we got dressed up and celebrated by toasting our honeymoon champagne, eating out at one of our favorite places that we rarely get to go to, and watching our wedding DVD to laugh at the memories. 

And last year, the next morning we slept before heading to Bob Evans for breakfast.  Sort of a nod to our college days when we went every Sunday after church to talk about our weeks.

To say this year was different, is an understatement!  On our two year wedding anniversary (and since we were married on our "dating" anniversary, we have officially been together for seven years) it was all things budget and baby.  Obviously, there was no champagne sipping/ fancy dinner out (especially not in that tight blue dress!! haha Can you imagine!?)...and no sleeping in the next morning after watching our wedding DVD late into the night. 

Since it was a Tuesday, I had to work of course.  The night before our anniversary, we celebrated by doing what we do best these days....buying cute things for baby boy.  We found some clearance deals at Target that we couldn't pass up!  Then after work, we went out to eat (because I was too exhuasted from work to cook any sort of dinner...which can happen often these days!) but kept it to $20.  Then we got home and both of us wanted to lay down, but figured since it was only 9:00, we should start to build the baby's dresser that has been on our to-do list for two weeks.  Um...anyone that has ever "built" IKEA furniture before, you really should have warned us that it would take us until 2:00 a.m. and we're still not sure we're done!  We laid out about 1,000 pieces in the nursery and throughout the process were either laughing hysterically because neither one of us could figure out the directions that IKEA provided....or cursing at the top of our lungs out of frustration.  It was quite a production!  Needless to say, we called it a night at two a.m. when I was toast, my feet were the size of watermelons, and I was getting a bit teary about everything.  

Getting ready to go "out" to eat to celebrate

And the winner is....Daniel's choice (far right).  Mainly, because I just don't want to argue anymore about a silly blue paint color on the wall.  He's doing the work, he can choose.  I just hope he won't regret that all of the decorations we purchased so far go much better with the ones on the left ( choices). ha :)

Didn't get a picture last night of the finished product...but will post tomorrow!
Even with the chaos, we still had so much fun chatting about the past seven years, marriage, and the new journey that we are on.  It is sort of mind-blowing that in just two months it will no longer be just the two of us, as it has been for so long.  We already feel his presence, and our world pretty much revolves around this little HUGE bean in my tummy.  It is very hard to believe that for seven years I've been kissing the same frog to see if he really is a prince. ;) 
Just kidding.


August 16, 2012

28w4d: Eggplant

No time to buy an eggplant and pose for a traditional picture when family is in town!
Instead, here is one of my sister with her son, and me with mine. :)

How far along? 28 weeks 4 days
Maternity clothes: Same, still a mix of everything.  I'm getting VERY bored with using the same things over and over, but can't justify buying new things for the next two months.  Time to get creative and do a closet overhaul!
Stretch marks: Luckily, this remains the same...holding on to just a few on my chest.  Emily thinks I am very lucky, and hopes that I don't get too swollen which was the cause of most of her tiger scars. :)
Sleep: Not the greatest this week for a variety of reasons.  Of course I did not want to miss one minute of family time, so it made for late nights, and early mornings to get to work so I could get back home.  And between the endless pee interruptions, leg cramps/charlie horses, and general uncomfortableness....I think I'm prepared for when this baby gets here and sleep in but a distant memory!
 Best moment this week: Having my family here with me (well, most of them...missing Megan and Leah tremendously!).  We were able to do so many fun things...anniversary picnic at the winery (so beautiful!), zoo trip in DC, shopping, and laughing our butts off!  It was a magical and beautiful thing to have our nephew Waylon remember who we were, even though we live so far away, and snuggle with us as if we see him everyday.  He is such a joy!! 
Miss Anything: Megan and Leah, and the rest of the family back home. Sleep. Feeling myself (and I don't mean this in a negative way, just some days it would be nice to have some "me" time still...without constantly thinking about the little man jabbing at my organs, taking all of my sleep and grace, and not talking about everything baby all of the time.  But I know it will all be worth it in the end!)
Movement: He is VERY active.  I think this may be a sign for the future!!  My stomach will sometimes just be jabs and kicks, and other times, people can actually see an alien-like "windshield wiper" go across...he's already preparing to be an Olympian I think!
Symptoms: Hunger, thirst, mood swings because of it, and the latest...HEARTBURN! 
Food cravings: Really...anything. haha
Anything making you queasy or sick:  The usual, but cigarette smoke more than usual.  I've always been sensitive to it, but these days I really can't handle it at all! 
Have you started to show yet: Oh YES!
Gender: Baby boy. :)  It's so cute when people in stores/public ask us because I smile politely and say "boy"...and my husband instantly gets the BIGGEST grin on his face and says so proudly..."oh yeah, we're having a BOY!!"
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks...they are no fun!
Belly Button in or out?: Still flat a little bit.  Haven't "popped" entirely!
Wedding rings on or off: On most days, but getting VERY tight. Not much longer on this. :(
General Mood: Good!  It was amazing to be surrounded by family all week!  I might have had a melt-down when they left on Saturday.  Daniel didn't know what else to do but laugh at me and let me sleep it off.
Best advice this week: All of the fun tips and tricks from Mom and Emily while they were here.  The doctor also gave us some good advice on how to get through the last ten weeks.
Worst advice this week:  Nothing really...I know there were a few old wive's tales, but of course I didn't write them down (so they must not have been that funny!)
Exercise: Walking, walking, walking.  We walked until we dropped at the zoo and I had NO ankles to speak of. haha 
Looking forward to:  The next few weeks of madness before we can settle things down and wait for baby to join the world.  2 year wedding anniversary, Lindsay/Pete's wedding, Virginia baby shower, Ohio baby shower and finishing up the nursery!

August 14, 2012

28 week appt: A relief

We had our 28 week appointment and follow up to the awful news we received at the 26 week mark.  Apparently, my intuition was right and vacation worked like a charm.  My blood pressure was back to a healthy enough number that immediate bed rest was not in order.  They want me on a "limited" work/activity to make sure the preclampsia does not set in.  Not quiet sure how that will be managed, or even what "limited" would entail, but we are definitely taking it seriously so that we can keep things on a healthy note for the next ten weeks.

I got my blood drawn for the glucose screening.  Despite what people warn, the orange juice was actually not bad at all...I even found it a little tasty!  I joked with Daniel that it was my "treat" of the week, because I usually have one caffeine free pop a week (mmmmm IBC Cream Soda...I need it now!)...and this was just like drinking a flat orange pop.  Then they drew a few other viles for other tests, to make sure my vitamin D levels aren't too high because they have me on such a supplement for that still), iron, and protein.  Fun fun.  Daniel didn't pass out, he just looked away and held my hand for most of the time.  :)

We re-scheduled our next few appointments to be seen by the same doctor, because so far, we really like his approach the best out of the others in the practice.  He is very laid-back and straight forward at the same time.  He answered our questions and laughed at some of our silly concerns with us.  My total weight gain thus far is 13 pounds...which we all could not be happier with (since the "norm" could be around 22 at this point).  Me and baby can gain together for the remainder of the third trimester and be just fine.

Fingers crossed the swelling stays down, the blood pressure stabilizes, and we get the clear vote to travel to Ohio for Pete/Lindsay's wedding and our Ohio baby shower (at 34 weeks!! yikes!).

August 9, 2012

27 weeks, and 27 years

We thought it was the coolest thing to have my 27th birthday during our 27th week

How far along? 27 weeks, 4 days
Maternity clothes: A mix...needing to get creative with my closet because I'm getting bored, especially with work clothes.  I think this calls for a trip to goodwill...that will force me to go through everything and figure some new combinations out!
Stretch marks: The same. I did see this week a tiny blue mark on my hip...fingers and toes are crossed that it fades! 
Sleep: Terrible this week.  The bed at our condo is not pregnant friendly...or really husband friendly for that matter.  Can't wait to get home to my own bed!
 Best moment this week: Relaxing at the beach with Daniel and his parents; Celebrating my 27th birthday; Reading everyone's wishes for my health and for my birthday.
Miss Anything: Walking as fast as Daniel.  I seriously cannot keep up anymore!  My mom would LOVE shopping with me right now!!! 
Movement: He is a crazy baby...but we love it!  Daniel especially loves watching the head or butt "windshield wiper" across the tummy.  It is hilarious!  Also this week he had his first case of hiccups...and they haven't stopped since!  I swear he gets them twice daily now, but it is so cute to watch my stomach flutter to a rhythm.
Symptoms: Mood swings (not in a bad way...just more happy, then sentimental tears that I of course blame the hormones for!); Unquenchable thirst; Swelling (booooo!!); Ridiculously sore hips; and hot flashes.
Food cravings: Most of the same. Seafood and ice cream, protein, fruit, yogurt, and crackers.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The usual.
Have you started to show yet: No, I just swallowed a watermelon.
Gender: Bouncing baby BOY!
Labor Signs: Nada. 
Belly Button in or out?: OUT!
Wedding rings on or off: Off mostly this week because of swelling from the flight and the heat, but on whenever I can get them (I wore them on my pinky finger on the plane because I couldn't bear to part with them in my carry-on!
General Mood: Good most days...but others are a little more anxiety filled which makes me teary.  I suppose since I have been in a fairly good/happy mood for the whole pregnancy thus far, it isn't too bad to get a bit "hormonal" now toward the end. :)
Best advice this week: Just to relax, and that it will all work out.  We have been so blessed to have the help and love from family and friends.  Got to hear some funny stories from when Mrs. Gilbert had the twins in her belly.  
Worst advice this week: Nothing really.
Exercise: Two words...vacation mode!
Looking forward to:  So many exciting things in August and September! Relaxing and enjoying Daniel's company for these last ten weeks while we are still a two-person family.

August 3, 2012

26w5d: Head of Lettuce

How far along? 26 weeks, 5 days
Maternity clothes: Mostly, but still mixing in the regular shirts that are long enough to cover the bump!
Stretch marks: No change in this department, thank goodness.
Sleep: Depends, but not the greatest.  Partly our fault for going to bed so late, but it is so much more fun to watch baby boy do gymnastics in my belly while watching the Olympics on TV, and reading/singing to him late at night when he is most active.
 Best moment this week: Getting ready for another vacation with Daniel and family; Being loved on at work for a birthday lunch; Talking baby names to try to finalize it (and laughing in the process); Finishing the plan/theme for the nursery so we can order stuff!
Miss Anything: Being able to bend over to pick something up without grunting! Sleeping straight through a night without interruption or running to the bathroom every five seconds; Wearing my wedding rings all the time. 
Movement: He is bound to be a gymnast with all of the flips and jabs he does!
Symptoms: Restless legs/cramps, HUNGER  all the time, more of the same in all other departments, more leaky ladies (TMI), and mood swings. 
Food cravings: Anything in sight.  Still lots of protein and ice cream (not together though! haha).  And wine...probably the one thing I miss the most.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The usual.
Have you started to show yet: Um...I should probably just remove this question.  But on a new note, the belly button is out and proud, the line is darker, and by the end of the day, I feel like I am picking up my stomach off the ground. haha
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks are a bitch. Just saying. 
Belly Button in or out?: OUT!
Wedding rigns on or off: On and off, depending on the swelling level because I don't want to take any chances.  I'm really hoping I can make them work (or at least have a good swelling day) for our showers and maternity pictures...but that is around the 33 week mark...yeah right!
General Mood: A rollar coaster of fun, but mostly happy.  Certain things make me anxious (finances, the nursery that is nowhere close to being done, the possibility of bed rest and not being able to go home for our shower in September, etc).
Best advice this week: To relax and put my feet up.  After I posted about our last appointment, all of the kind words we received and prayers being sent our way was so touching.  I know that this little boy is already so loved. 
Worst advice this week: Not really advice, but it is funny how some people automatically assume that I should be ashamed of my stomach/weight.
Exercise: Taking it a bit easier this week, other than the usual.
Looking forward to:  Vacation with the Gilberts, and all of the fun that August and September will bring.  Hard to believe I will be in the third trimester so soon!

August 1, 2012

26w appointment: Bad Words

Yesterday we had our 26 week check-up.  It was a longer-than-expected one because the night prior I had a little bit of bleeding that we needed to address (huge scare, don't EVER want to see that again for the next three months!).  Good news first though...I've gained 11 pounds total, which puts me right on par for what the doctor hoped.  I was a bit surprised because my appetite has increased so much, but I suppose making health"ier" choices is what is keeping things steady.  I got my glucose test kit for when we return from Florida, which included a goodie bag of samples and magazines!  And, I get to be seen every two weeks now as we enter the third trimester.  Unfortunately, that's where the good news ends....

First up, pee in a cup.  They think I have another UTI and my D levels are actually too high now...fantastic.  Next, blood pressure....through the roof.  Nurse called in the doctor who checked me for swelling and symptoms of preclampsia.  Great.  Then we talked about the spotting I had the night prior and things I can do to help.  We listened to baby boy's heartbeat...which was unusually high (high 150s and not very steady).  They asked me if I was stressed, if I had eaten any sugar, and if I was exposed to second-hand smoke at all on a daily basis (fantastic...insert sarcasm).  They aren't too worried about it, just want to monitor him next time and may order an ultrasound.  Finally, they measured me, and he is still measuring about two weeks ahead.  Either we have a really big baby on our hands, my due date was miscalculated (not possible...unfortunately, I wish it were that easy), or there is more than one in my tummy (also very NOT possible...we hope. haha).  We had to talk about how I may deliver earlier than expected, especially if my blood pressure remains high and does not improve, the baby keeps growing at this pace, and the swelling gets any worse.  After addressing all of these things...the two (what I like to call "bad words") came out of her mouth...BED REST. 

Of course I told her there was no way I could go on bed rest at this point in the pregnancy, with over twelve weeks left.  We simply cannot afford for me not to work, and do not have any options for supplemental income.  Obviously, we are going to take my health and the baby's seriously as the number one priority, so I opened up the conversation for our "options".  We do go to Florida next week (which luckily they did keep me in the clear to fly since it is a direct flight!!! yay!) I will be away from my normal "routine" for a week and possibly less stressed (that's the point of vacation, right!?! haha).  They agreed to revisit everything when we return from Florida, check my levels again, and then make the final orders for bed rest, limited work/activity, or resume normal.  I am praying that it falls somewhere in the middle...because at least that would be manageable.

Daniel and I had a long talk with baby G...which isn't unusual...but this time it was praying with him, instead of just praying separately.  Hoping the BIG man upstairs has BIG plans for our BIG baby. :)