May 25, 2017

First Year of Pre-K

This kid had a really good school year! How in the world is he already done with his first year in "big-kid" school?  I'm amazed by his knowledge and curiosity every single day. He started as the (huge) 3-year old in class, and the teachers would often forget that he was the baby in the room. I credit a lot of his resiliency of a 9-hour school day to the fun programming he had in preschool with our daycare, and the amazing teachers he had this year. He has learned so much and made great friends. He's already excited to go back to school next year and promises more "green lights."

We had a fun reflection on the eve of his last day of pre-k.  He answered the questions below and we giggled about stories he told me involving he and the friends he made.  Because of his birthday, he will be going back for one more year of pre-k next year and will end up being one of the oldest in his grade throughout school....but I'm perfectly okay with that for his growth and development.

2016 - 2017

Grade:  Pre-K, a.m. & p.m. session with aftercare with the YMCA
Age:  3 to start, then 4 on October 30
Height:  3' 8"
Weight:  52 pounds
Shoe Size:  11
When I grow up:  Police officer, "army dude", construction worker or doctor to toys
Favorite Color:  Blue, like Leonardo the ninja turtle
Favorite Food:  Smoothies, yogurt and popcorn
Favorite Toy:  Dinosaurs, costumes, coloring, transformers and the leap pad
Favorite TV Show:  PJ Masks, Wild Kratz Adventures and Disney Movies
Favorite Book: Pete the Cat series, "A Rumble In The Jungle," "No Jumping On The Bed"
Memories from this year:  Field trips to a pumpkin farm (with me, 39 weeks preggo on a hayride in the middle of nowhere!), and to the potato chip factory; meeting new friends and a new routine.
Funniest moment:  The week we delivered baby sis, there was no way we could fit in time to complete his homework. I had warned his teacher, but Cael kept taking it in everyday and told her that he had done it, handing her a blank paper.  She said "it's ok, you don't have to do it this week" and he rebutted with "Mrs. B! I did it in white crayon, see?!"
Friends: Liam (all 3 of them), Delaney, Emaline, Christopher