July 18, 2017

Larkin | 9 Months

How in the world are we this close to your first birthday?  I need time to slow down so I can savor every second with you.  Larkin Olivia, my sweet little LoLo....you are an angel.  I swear that you have only cried a handful of times since you were born.  Some of our friends have never even heard your cry!!  You are on your own agenda and time table to do things...so we try to let things happen naturally and not push it...which is working.  Just as when you were little, we let you determine your schedule, and thank goodness we did, because it works out so nicely.  Maybe this is the difference of the "second child" in us...or maybe you're just that AWESOME!  This month was filled with a lot of fun adventures and watching you grow more into your personality.  Your favorite person in the whole world is Cael, but Momma and the cat come in a close second tie.  Your smile is contagious.  You go with the flow.  Everyone that is lucky enough to meet you, adores you. 

Height: 23 inches; 8th percentile. You get those genes honest from your DD.

Weight: 16 pounds, 10 ounces; 22nd percentile.  You sweet little thing!

Size: Such a little peanut!  You are still rocking size 2 diapers, though we did bust out the 3s toward the end of the month to see how much they sagged on your bum. Most of your clothes are 9 months now (especially jammies), but you can wear 6 month pants.  This month you were baptized in the gown that all of the women in momma's family wore...at 2 days old.  And it fit you perfectly.  You are little, but very strong.

Sleeping: Happy to report you still LOVE your sleep!  Naps have stayed pretty much the same (9am - 12pm, then 2pm-4:30pm).  You did drop the evening nap you used to give us while we were cooking dinner and having one-on-one time with Cael; and instead you just extended the afternoon nap a bit.  Of course, you don't nap the same on the days you are at daycare all day, so that messes with the nighttime a little bit too.  At night, you like your bedtime around 8/8:30 and then sleep until I need to nurse you before work around 7:30. I am worried for when school starts and I have to wake you at 6:40...because you do not like to be awoken before you're ready.

Eating:  FINALLY!  You finally like food!  Of course, in true Larkin style...you don't really care for "baby" food mashes.  Instead, you want the real thing.  Pieces of carrot, cheerios, and teething biscuits are your jam.  You haven't turned your nose to anything yet, thank goodness. You want to feed yourself.  Your pincher and raking motions, with fine-motor skills are really good!  You learned to drink from a straw really early too, which is nice when we are out so I can give you a quick drink of water, which you love. You do really well with your sippy cup with water, but not milk or juice (which we had to try to alleviate some constipation...but you weren't having it).

  Playing:   You could make a whole day of entertainment out of watching your big brother play. I think you are taking mental notes of all of the trouble fun he is getting into. You love sitting on a blanket outside to empty a bin of toys.  You aren't mobile yet (surprisingly) so it is nice that I can put you somewhere to play and get things done nearby while watching you explore the world around you, safely. You like anything you can get into your mouth to chew your teething gums on.  You love all of Cael's big boy toys....so we have had many lessons on keeping legos out of your reach!  You squeal with delight when you watch Cael play t-ball! You also clap with your feet, and sometimes your hands. It's the sweetest thing! Video of that here

Milestones:  You cut your first tooth at the beginning of the month.  Still just one.  If you want something badly enough, you will scoot your bum to get to it.  Otherwise, you're not mobile.  You are loving the bouncer/exersaucer (video), but not so much the johnny jumper (which you think is just a big swing).  You enjoy stroller rides with big bro, especially now that you face forward in the front to see where we are going.  You sit in the big part of the grocery cart and get fawned over by all of the old ladies int he store. You eat food...anything you can get your hands on!  And you had your last nap in the swing before we put it away this month. You never did like it to make a swinging motion, but it snuggled you like a baby and made for a good living room nap. You say momma, dad, bub, milk and up - your little voice is so cute! And you started "flirting" with EVERYONE this month with a funny stare and then grin because you just know you're so cute (video).

See more pictures below, using the link:

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