April 24, 2012

12w: Plum's the word

--  No picture this week...life got a little too busy to get to the store for a plum! --

How far along? 12 weeks
Maternity clothes: A few mixed in, but not completely yet.
Stretch marks: Nothing yet.  Remember the blue road map I talked about?  Yeah...one of the veins burst in my sleep and caused a purple veiny bruise for a day or two. It was gross!
Sleep: Depends on the day.  I'm lucky to make it past 9:30, epsecially if I stop doing everything and sit on the couch. 
Best moment this week: This involves a little back story. My office girls used to always "weigh in" on Friday mornings, and then we would go get our favorite treat.  We called it "Fatty Fridays!" and my treat was Starbucks.  I always got the same barista, and we sort of became friends (she could even guess what drink I wanted by the look on my face).  I hadn't been back since I've been pregnant, not even once.  But this week with trials deserved a special trip...so I went on Wednesday.  The barista squealed when I got there and told me she missed seeing me...and that every Friday she tells people "yay for Fatty Friday" and they look at her like she's crazy.  I told her I was sorry I hadn't been coming, but there was a good reason.  Before I could get out "I'm pregnant," she screamed at the top of her lungs and burst into tears of excitement.  This in turn caused Target security to come over and make sure I wasn't robbing the joint. Hilarious...and seriously made my week.  Wish I would have caught her reaction on video!
Miss Anything: Ham...well, lunch meat in general.  PBJ's are getting a little old.
Movement: Just a few growing pains.
Symptoms:  This section should be read only for girls and mothers...honestly..nobody ever tells you the ridiculous things that you will experience in pregnancy, and make you believe it is all so beautiful.  This week, I've noticed hair...literally everywhere.  My stomach is covered like a monkey.  Daniel laughs, and the doctor said it will go away as soon as I deliver.
Food cravings: Bananas, chocolate milk, milk in general, and apple juice.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still cigarettes.  Even though I'm past the point of constant morning sickness...I smell a hint of smoke and I have to run to the bathroom.
Have you started to show yet:  Yes.  There is no more sucking it in...especially after eating a full meal.  Oh, and love handles...gotta love them, right?
Gender: Keep the predictions coming!  These old wives tales are cracking me up. 
Labor Signs:  Nada.  But I did watch TLC A Baby Story...and I can tell you that I will NOT be tuning in to that show again until after November.  Anxiety central!
Belly Button in or out?:  Still in. :)
Wedding rigns on or off: Still on!
General Mood:  Pretty good, except when I get really tired...I kind of slip into an "I give up" state of mind. haha  Daniel just laughs at me!
Best advice this week:  I didn't really receive much advice this week, mainly congratulations from friends we were able to reach and give the news to.
Worst advice this week:  None.
Exercise:  Lots of walking.  I need to get working on my yoga again now that I'm regaining some energy...and tone the arms as best as I can through this process.
Looking forward to:  Announcing it to facebook soon!  

April 21, 2012

11w5d: Lime (yum!)

How far along? 11 weeks, 5 days (can we ever just take a picture at the beginning of a week?!)
Maternity clothes: Rubber bands are my friend!  Oh, and leggings. 
Stretch marks: Nothing yet.  TMI:  I have a roadmap of veins though all over my chest. Gross.
Sleep: Getting a little better now that I'm not sick all night.  The allergy game is not very fun..roll to one side and stuff it up, then roll to the other.
Best moment this week: Listending to Daniel read books to my belly.  By the way, Dr. Suess was a little off his rocker when he wrote some of that stuff!  And eating DELICIOUS food at a cookout with friends! 
Miss Anything: This week, surprisingly (probably thanks to the cookout) it's beer.  I even asked Daniel multiple times if I could just smell his. haha
Movement: Nothing.  Just a few sharp pains down there every now and then, letting me know I'm growing!
Symptoms:  Allergies; a HUGE pimple on my forehead that won't budge; swollen fingers after a long walk; Freezing cold hands, no matter if I was sweating everywhere else!
Food cravings: Meat, and still anything cold (except ice)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Getting a little better in this department.  Still can't stand the smell of smoke at all though.
Have you started to show yet:  People say I have a "pooch".  I'm trying to take it as a compliment!
Gender:  I should just start making predictions in this section until 20weeks.  I want so badly to take a gender prediction test, but Daniel thinks it would be wrong (and get our hopes up) and a waste of money. Boo!
Labor Signs:  Nothing yet. 
Belly Button in or out?:  Innie.
Wedding rigns on or off: On, except after a long walk because I get sausages for fingers in this heat!
General Mood:  Good overall.  Headaches are getting worse thanks to the allergies (PS, ignore the awful swollen eyes in this picture after the cookout outside all day!!!!)
Best advice this week:  To find the humor in everything once the baby is here and old enough to "talk back".  Fran and Kevin told us a very funny story of Logan always telling them "you're not the boss of me!!!"
Worst advice this week:  To wait until we're 20 weeks to tell anyone.  Um..sorry, no can do!  The belly doesn't lie, and my family/friends are way too close!
Exercise:  Walking....I wish napping counted. haha :)
Looking forward to:  Finding out the sex so we can feel more connected with baby G and telling our family/friends that don't know yet this week and next!

April 19, 2012

12w Appt: A bit of a scare

We headed back to the doctor for our "12 week" appointment...even though we were only 11w4d.  We met with one of the nurse mid-wives this time.  Daniel loved her because she basically told us how it is, cursed like a sailor, and wore sweatpants (seriously).  She told me to burn "What to Expect When You're Expecting" because it would make me think things about my pregnancy that weren't true.  Interesting character, but she's good (the first baby she delivered just turned 30!).

After the Q and A session (much more on my part since I made her play that game), we got the doppler out.  We were both so curious to see if the heartbeat had changed much since the first appointment.  She bragged about how she can hear a heartbeat a mile away because she has such a trained ear.  After gooping up my belly with gel, she got started.  Nothing...

I saw on her face she was confused, and reassured us by saying "I think it's this machine, I can't find a heartbeat.  Let me go get another one"  WHATTTT?!?!?!   Ok Sara, hold it together!  Nope...bring on the tears.  No heartbeat?

Second machine....NOTHING.  Ok, officially FREAKING OUT MOMMA OVER HERE!

By that time, it was 5:30, and everyone had left the office.  I was determined not to leave until I knew there was a beating heart in my belly.  We went into the sonogram room and fired up the machine (which was also turned off since she had left for the day too).  Now the third round of goop on the belly, me laying in tears, and all the sudden...Daniel screams!  I looked up to see what he could see.  There it was...our baby, doing about a million summer-salts and flips.  Pretty sure the heart is fine. :) haha  Everytime I would bend up to see, the baby would go out of view.

GREAT, so we have a stubborn and crazy baby....are we surprised?  That's what we have to look forward to! :) haha

April 14, 2012

The Gilbert grandparents to be were in town for a long weekend, and coincidentally...so were the Cincinnati REDS!  They brought us our Easter gifts, and I received a Reds bib for baby G.  It was adorable.  But what would make it sweeter?  Only a signature from my favorite player of course.  And that's just what my husband got at the game we all went to!  I love that man (my husband of course...but Brandon Phillips is a close second! ;))

April 7, 2012

10w6d: Crabby Apple

Happy Easter!

How far along? 10 weeks, 6 days
Maternity clothes: Not yet in general, but the day this picture was taken, I wore a pair of Emily's black maternity pants to work because my belly was FULL and bigger than normal! 
Stretch marks: In the clear still!
Sleep: I seem to catch up on the weekends after a busy work week.  Taking naps is becomming my specialty!  Good news...Daniel loves it because he gets to rule the remote and nap without missing anything.
Best moment this week: Searching the grocery store for something that is the same size as a prune, since Lord knows...we are NOT eating a nasty prune after the picture!
Miss Anything: Wine, wine and wine.  Yep, that about covers it!
Movement: Nada
Symptoms:  Full belly feeling (probably a lot of air! TMI, I know); ALLERGIES (thank you for not being able to take anything baby G); high school band kid grade acne...and some oily skin. Awesome.
Food cravings: Still anything cold, especially since my allergies are giving my throat all sorts of trouble!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Very sick this week.  :(  Why do they call it "morning" really...it's like the worst all-day hangover EVER!
Have you started to show yet:  In this picture it sure looks like it, but really just kind of "filling out" around the middle a little bit.  I keep reminding myself these new-found love handles are for a good cause!
Gender:  That is the magic question.  We keep finding clearance clothes and have to resist the temptation!
Labor Signs:  Nope!
Belly Button in or out?:  In
Wedding rigns on or off: On, thank goodness
General Mood:  Pretty good.  Happy about the warm weather (90 on Monday!)
Best advice this week:  Not to stress about the little/funny ways I feel from day to day.  There is nothing I can do about the hormonal changes, and it will all get better once I hit the second trimester!
Worst advice this week:  Everyone and their wives tales are cracking me up to predict the gender! 
Exercise:  Walked around outside, and around some stores this week.  Hoping to have more energy soon to get some lifting in at the gym.
Looking forward to:  Talking to my mom finally about everything.  A girl needs that support and that secret was brutal to keep for that long!

April 3, 2012

Family Reveals: Ohio

Since I had been shaking in my leggings to tell my family the big news, I had to find the perfect opportunity to go home.  For those that don't know...it's a nice ten hour drive.  Welcome opportunity....my nephew's first birthday party!!  The only challenge was waiting over a month without spilling the beans.  I mean seriously...I chat with my mom and sisters almost daily!  We both knew we had to reveal the news to both families in person to see their reaction and get hugs.  So like good parents-to-be, we waited patiently and did everything in our power not to slip in the meantime.

Then before we knew it, the weekend to leave was here.  We found a cheap last minute flight which worked out perfectly because it was flying into Cincinnati (hubby's home town).  So...first stop, the in-laws house.  And there were SURPRISED to see us!!  We pulled into their neighborhood and caught them walking the dogs.  I wouldn't let Daniel stop the car though because I was about to have an accident in our little rental!!  We drove back to their house so I could relieve the pressure on my bladder, and set up the reveal.

We framed a picture of our ultra-sound and wrapped it up.  We told them it was our congratulations on becomming grandparents, since Daniel's twin brother had told them he and his wife were expecting (two weeks before us actually!!) just a few weeks prior. 

Check out their reaction!

Next up was my family.  We drove three hours north to my house, where my family was expecting us to come bearing gifts for our newphew's first birthday (which reassured, we hadn't forgotten in our suitcase!).  For whatever reason, the video-camera did not record their reaction.  I was in tears when I got home to upload it and have tried everything to retrieve it from the disk.  Stay tuned on this...fingers are crossed.  My mom reassured me that it would probably break the speakers on some computers because of the screaming and bouncing involved! :)  She always knows just what to say.

We made my nephew a t-shirt, and wrapped up a picture of our ultra sound.  After dinner with the family we told my sister we wanted to give Waylon (my nephew) a gift early before the chaos that would surely be his party the next day.  So my mom and I put on the t-shirt we made....then I watched as my mom took another look at what it said.  "What's kickin'"????  Her face said it all.  She was confused.  I turned him around and asked my sisters...."Do you want to know what's kicking?"  Then the screaming commenced!!  Hugs all around, and luckily my nephew didn't get stomped on in the process.

Here is a picture I had my mom send since the video didn't come out:

Overall...the weekend was a success.  We enjoyed the birthday party, and managed to only tell our parents, siblings, and my grandparents (well, actually one of my grandma's figured it out after watching me for a bit, then patted my stomach and asked me how long I was planning to hide my little secret!!).

Here is a picture my mom took of my sisters pointing at my secret.  I plan on making this my facebook profile picture to announce it to our friends that won't get the postcard we are sending.