July 22, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up

It seems every weekend for the past two months has been filled with chaos, and much of the same.  Packing, searching for something to eat in our kitchen that gets more bare by the minute so we are making strange meals out of nothing, and trying to soak up one last bit of Virginia before the big move.

FRIDAY:  Daniel got home from being in Ohio for a week and rescued me came to get the baby from my office around lunch time so I could frantically get some work done before the weekend, and more importantly, before my last week of work.  When I got home, we played with Cael and decompressed a bit since he had been up since five and drove over 8 hours.  Then we got in the car to head to dinner...the old hat routine of not knowing where to end up but too hungry to really care if it was scraps from a dumpster.  It was pushing Cael's bedtime (that's quickly becoming a habit on Friday nights these days) and so we wanted something quick and easy.  After rattling off everything we know we won't be able to get in Ohio in a week after the move....Noodles, Potbelly, Fosters...we somehow always land on "The Hotel" otherwise known as City Tavern in Old Towne.  Anyone that knows my husband or has come to visit, will understand why we have eaten here about 550 times in the past month to get our complete "fill."

June 30, 2013

Cael | 8 Months

You are the most fantastic child...most of the time.  The milestones you hit this month almost make me cry every time I think about how fast you are growing and approaching the bittersweet "one year" mark.  We did so many fun things this month: We went to the train festival in Manassas because you love choo-choo's; had a few playdates with cousin Harper before they move to Ohio; said goodbye to your wonderful nanny, Ms. Millie since we also learned we are moving to Ohio (woop woop!); went to graduation parties and playdates; and ended the month with a fantastic vacation with the Dolinski/Gonya clan to Gulf Shores, Alabama (more on that in a separate post, soon!)  You are now a baby on the move!!  It makes it so much more difficult and funny to try to keep up with you since you go-go-go as soon as you are put on the ground.  You started with an army crawl, and by vacation had developed an all-fours race to every toy or object in sight.  You are growing into such a little man, and your personality is developing more and more with every face and sound you make.  The beginning of the month you were still squealing like you did last month, then you started with babbling and noises that even crack you up!  Long gone are the days of holding my "baby"...you just want to be independent, and that's what we are trying to let you do.  You love exploring and are so interested in the world around you.  It makes everyone around you laugh when they see your "studying" face at first before breaking into a huge smile once you've determined the atmosphere is fun.  You make it fun!  And we love you sweet boy!

June 11, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up

Weekends are busy.  Weekends with a child are just bananas.  So instead of compiling all of the crazy details/pictures of the weekends in a month into the monthly post, I decided to give this a try.  Bring on: Weekly Wrap-Up.  I actually wanted to start this a few weeks ago, so don't be surprised if there are a few back-dated entries added soon. ;)

This weekend:

-  Friday we had our first night out since baby...with a sitter...at bedtime.  Luckily, we had the most amazing sitter in the world.  She is truly a pro (I mean, afterall, this is what she does!)  So after playing, eating and a little fussing, she got Cael to go to sleep while we went with friends to have dinner and drinks.  It was the perfect night of laughs and adult conversation...and a perfect ending picking up sweet baby boy, all snuggled up with Stephanie and Noah.

- Saturday morning we cleaned the house, as per usual.  We finally managed to lower the crib (and with that, found about a dozen pacifiers that had fallen through!).  Then had "date night in" (Tilapia with a home-made strawberry/mango salsa)

June 3, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up

This Weekend:

We lounged, played, napped and ate...in the order, and on repeat. :)

- Friday night, we had our usual "I don't know what I'm hungry for, but I'm starving...I'm too tired to cook since it's Friday...oh crum, now it's almost Cael's bedtime and we still haven't decided what to eat...let's just go drive and see where we land" scenario that happens almost weekly (we can't be the only couple that does this..but seriously, it's annoying!)  We landed at Qdoba.  We haven't been there in about three years.  We sat outside and pushed Cael's bedtime back (woo hoo...living on the edge!!) and enjoyed each other's company.

- Saturday morning Cael surprised us by waking up at 9 (ha! probably thanks to the late night partying!)  After he nursed, he was in a funny mood.  Squealing to his little heart's content and just playing with everything he could get his hands on.  Then, we all headed to the train festival in Old Towne.  It was neat, and Cael loves "choo choos" as his cousin Waylon calls them.  Bad news...my semi-new phone fell off the stroller and shattered into pieces.  We headed to Verizon, and of course, I bought it from Target so it is not covered by insurance. FAIL. Off to figure out alternative solutions.  Then we headed home and lounged outside.

- Sunday we had a Pizza Playdate with cousin Harper at their house before their big move to Ohio, coming up at the end of this month.  Playdates are so much more entertaining now that the babies are mobile, and they realize they can play together instead of just batting at the other's head, or grabbing ears.  That's not to say that they don't still do that...but afterwards, they laugh. :)

May 30, 2013

Cael | 7 Months

Seriously?  Yes, seriously!  You are the cutest child on the planet, I'm convinced.  Not a single day passes that we aren't tickled by you and your growing personality.  This month was so much fun!  I miss the "baby" you...but we are having a BLAST with the little man you are growing into.  We jam-packed this month with exciting adventures, and as always, you handled it all very well and made each one more fun than the last. At the beginning of the month we had a Mommy and Cael date to the Manassas Air Show.  You loved watching all of the airplanes and skydivers, and the shuttle there and back was on a school bus (yes, a little tricky with a sleepy baby, a stroller and a diaper bag...alone...but we bossed up and got on and off without falling!). Then we went to Ohio for Mother's day weekend with a quick trip to Tiffin to visit the University and meet some people you hadn't met yet, then headed to Papa and DD's house for some R&R.  You started army crawling this month, and being a ninja with unbuckling yourself out of everything.  You just laugh when I say..."look what you did, you 'escap-ehhh' (in Dori voice and pronunciations from "Nemo")"  Truth is...childproofing became a reality when we walked into your room in the morning and you greeted us with standing up in your crib!  We have our hands full with you...and love every second of it.   

May 27, 2013

Before I was "Mommy"

People say you won't be able to remember life before baby....and that is true, to an extreme that I couldn't imagine before meeting this precious little man.  Before I was mommy, I was Sara.  Just Sara.  Sometimes babe, hunny, bean, lovey, sugar.  But when I really think about it, I'm not just "mommy" now...sooooo much has changed:

Before I was a mommy, I was always usually on time.

Before I was a mommy, I was opposed to and probably even sneered when I heard stories of using the television as a babysitter, now sometimes in the morning, that's the only way I get a shower for the day.

Before I was a mommy, I enjoyed a quiet car ride, or would blare my radio...that is replaced now with raspberries being blown, giggles, fusses, and someone else singing along to the radio.

Before I was a mommy, I NEVER had conversations with other adults that involved the words "poo poo, pee pee, and stinky" never came out of my mouth on a regular basis, if at all.

Before I was a mommy, I called my husband "babe, hunny, lover"....now I can't find myself saying anything other than "daddy" and usually in the highest pitch voice imaginable.

Before I was a mommy, I could quickly run to and through the grocery store, or stop at Starbucks on the way to work without even flinching.

Before I was a mommy, my family would call to say hello and talk about work, our week, the next time we would see each other.  I am now greeted with, "how is the baby?"  "what new thing is he doing?" ...and my favorite..."I have to let you go, the baby needs to eat/go to bed/take a bath/is screaming in the backseat"

Before I was a mommy, my husband would walk through the door and greet me with a kiss.  Now I feel like I need to take a number most days after baby greetings and kisses, bathroom break, change of clothes...shall I go on? haha

Before I was a mommy, I never visited sites like Parenting, Fit Pregnancy, Bump, WebMD/BabyMD, and other parent bloggers.

Before I was a mommy my Pinterest boards were full of DIY and homey goodness, not potty-training tips, milestone markers, and "playdates with you son."

Before I was a mommy, I would find it silly, the mothers who whipped out their cell phone to share the 1,203,201 pictures they took of their babes over the weekend, or last night.  Yeah...I so do this...my cell phone, camera, video camera, etc get whipped out as soon as someone asks what we did over the weekend, or how the babe is doing....and (ashamed to say) even without any solicitation.

Before I was a mommy, I had no concept or idea that a child might need to breastfeed, no matter where his/her parents were or what they were doing.  (eh um...grocery store, church, shopping, driving, visiting with friends, date night...the list goes on)

Before I was a mommy, I couldn't imagine doing an Etsy or Pinterest search for the best "Hooter Hider" or "Udder Cover"....let alone, ordering one!

Before I was a mommy, I went into stores like TJMaxx, Target, or the mall and wandered the isles (for sometimes hours) just looking at clothing and things for the house.  Now, if (and that is a big IF) there is even an hour or the money for shopping without a purpose...it is spent exclusively in the baby section...of every store. Without fail.  Without even a teensie look at women's fashion. 

Before I was a mommy, I looked forward to packing for a trip in a carry-on suitcase so I didn't have to check a bag. Ha!  That is never happening again until he can carry his own!

Before I was mommy, my house was clean, dishes washed, laundry done....every.single.day.  Pretty sure if this ever happens all at once again, I will need to check my bank account for the maid service my husband hired. 

Before I was a mommy, I never knew that I could easily lift/hold 30 pounds for hours on end, while watching other people around me struggle after five minutes of carrying my son.

Before I was a mommy, getting ready for work took the entire hour...shower, blow-dry, straighten, make-up, get dressed, etc.  I'm lucky to get two out of five done...instead it's diaper change, nurse, pump, shower (hopefully), throw on mascara while saying good morning to the nanny, run out the door and pray my shoes match!

Before I was a mommy, I smiled and sometimes chatted with strangers in public...now I have no choice as they google over my sweet babe, try to touch him, laugh when they smile at him, ask a million questions about his age, weight, where I got my stroller, etc. 

Before I was a mommy, my house/office/computer were peppered with wedding photos and college friends.

Before I was a mommy, I let my cell phone go to voicemail if I knew it wasn't my husband calling.

Before I was a mommy, I had no concept of how much daycare costs and how difficult it is to truly trust someone else to care for your little miracle.

Before I was a mommy, I went to the gym, daily. 

Before I was mommy, I was a woman without an unfulfilled purpose in life.
Now my heart is full.

April 30, 2013

Cael | 6 Months

Happy Half-Birthday Sweet Baby Boy!!

How time flies when you are having the best time of your life!  Every month of your life seems to get busier than the one before.  The past six months have  been the craziest and most-rewarding of my life.  My son, you are constantly keeping me guessing and you amaze me everyday!  Just when I think you've mastered something new, within the same minute, you are already doing the next thing.  I would like to say that I wish time would slow down, but this is way too much fun; so we are just trying to capture each moment and fully embrace everything with the most open arms and hearts.  The past month was yet again jam-packed with exciting events.  The beginning of the month we were lucky enough to go to Ohio for daddy's spring break week to celebrate Easter, Harper's baptism and your baptism and your first opening day for the Reds, in Cincinnati!!  It was so special to see you baptized where we were married almost three years ago and where Daddy grew up going to church on Sundays.  Mid-month you showed us you were boss of the  house and impressed us with more milestones...sitting on your own, eating baby oatmeal with a spoon (video), rolling over in your crib while you were awake so you could "get comfy" to sleep on your side and stomach, and saying your first deliberate words...on top of your funny babbles.  You went to watch your first baseball game to see Daddy coach, and you made the fans and team laugh like crazy when you squealed at everyone on the field and even reacted when a ball was hit.  I knew you loved to see baseball on tv, so I was equally excited to see you loved it live because it has always been a passion of ours.  Toward the end of the month, we had a visit from Gammy Kathy, Auntie Jennifer and Michael.  We went into DC, and you had your first metro ride (and of course, loved every second of it!!).  I absolutely cannot wait to see what the next half-year hold.  I do however hold my breath every time I realize you are that much closer to being one-year old. 
I thank God everyday for choosing me to be your mommy!!
I love you Caelbo!

April 7, 2013

Child of God

"What a day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad!"

Cael's baptism was one of the most special days God has blessed us with so far.  We were lucky enough to arrange it to be in the church where we were married, just two and a half years ago.  We were surrounded by our wonderful family and friends!!  It is amazing to us that our family is so close and loving that they made the time and trip to see our sweet boy baptized in the Catholic church to join us on our journey through life, in Christ.

The ceremony itself was shared with five other children (two sets of twins actually, and another little boy).  Cael behaved amazingly throughout....until he got hungry.  I had to take him from Daniel, turn around real quick to whip out the milk, and feed him until I heard "Cael Thomas Rambo" being called again for his turn.  It made the people that actually noticed what was going on (eh um...my mom!) crack up!

We had a small reception of cake and punch in the hospitality room of the church, where we gathered as a bridal party for our wedding.  The night before we celebrated with a party at the Dolinski casa. 
Our little family is so blessed!!

April 1, 2013

Spring Break: Baby Style

Gone are the days of soaking in the sun and libations on spring break (yes, even as adults we get a "spring break" because I married a teacher...and it.is.awesome!).  However, this year was the most special trip yet!  We were able to go to Ohio for three amazing events, and a very fun mix of family and friends.  First up, Easter...which was also Harper's baptism day!  We wanted to divide our time between grandparents houses, so we headed to Cincinnati first. 

The next morning we traveled up to Newark to celebrate Easter with the ever-hospitable and wonderful Weekly crew.  It was a beautiful day (ok, I take that back...it was raining and freezing!) and the ceremony was so moving.  Harper lapped up the attention from the priest....
and Grandma's noodles were right on the money!!

Then we spent a few days soaking up family and friends in the nasty 'Nati.  Our good friends, Chad and Christina were finally able to meet Cael!  The Gilbert dogs, Carson and Gracie, loved having a baby in the house, and were as much protective as they were curious about this little human bouncing all over the place.  The weather was nice for opening day, and
Cael loved watching the Reds!

Then mid-week we headed to Antwerp for some Dolinski/Gonya lovin.  Everyone was so excited to see Cael again, since it had been since Christmas (when he was 8 weeks) and his personality is so fun now!  When we got to town, everyone was at work...so we were able to relax and unwind after the drive, soak up some sun and wait for the madness to start!  The rest of the week was filled with visitors and fun, ending with a Baptism party for Cael.  Waylon's birthday was also that week, turning two years old already!! Waylon loves to go outside, and begs to do it all the time (video).

It was so neat to see his eyes light up when he saw that we brought him presents!!  We were able to meet baby Carter at the party, and Great-Grandma/Papa Dolinski came down from Michigan!!

We went back to Cincinnati for Cael's baptism Sunday, then headed back to Virginia the next morning.  I swear our baby is the best traveler ever...I think even more tolerant than most adults I know! haha  He did love to stretch it out when we would stop to rest/eat/nurse...and he really enjoyed our make-shift changing table in the car (because let's be honest, rest areas and McD's are not the ideal place to change the babe and let him roll around a little!)