July 28, 2012

25w6d: Cauliflower

How far along? 25 weeks, 6 days (nothing like waiting until last minute!)
Maternity clothes: This week I actually found some amazing deals on clearance clothes that were not maternity, regular sizes, that will carry me through (hopefully) most of the pregnancy and afterwards.  I went for anything that stretched with me, or I could wear low on my hips, and longer than normal tops...and of course, nothing over $4 each because after all, my wardrobe is NOT the priority in this grand scheme of things.
Stretch marks: Same as before.  Just a few on my "girls"...fingers AND toes are staying crossed on this one. 
Sleep: Depends on the night.  And by night, I mean after I fall back asleep at 5:30/6:00 when I actually get into a GREAT sleep until my alarm abruptly goes off.  Darn that thing.  Then on mornings I can actually sleep a little, or plan to be lazy wear my hair up for work...I'm up and can't fall back asleep after the early morning pee break.
 Best moment this week: When Daniel got back home Thursday night from being in Ohio for a week...I got a huge glimpse at what the future with babies is going to be.  Without looking at me or saying hello, he got on his knees, rubbed and kissed my belly, and said hello to baby boy (calling him by his first name of choice, of course) until I finally said..."Oh hunny...it's great to see you too, so happy you are back!!  Now can I have a kiss?!" haha
Miss Anything: Being at least half-graceful instead of dropping everything (which is getting more challenging to pick up), breaking drinking glasses when emptying the dishwasher, and getting bruises on every inch of my body from bumping into furniture.  And I miss my family. 
Movement: He is very active, and we LOVE it!
Symptoms: Hair loss on my head, and more hair gain everywhere else (face, tummy, etc)...nice, right?
Food cravings: Really anything...but steak and a cold salad have been number one still. I've been eating an apple, banana, and yogurt almost everyday too, which is different because I usually just choose one of those for breakfast. :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: The usual.
Have you started to show yet: I could lie and say no...that I just ate too much. haha
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Nada 
Belly Button in or out?:  I have a feeling I only have a week or two left that I can honestly say "in"...because at the end of most days, it's turned inside "out" 
Wedding rigns on or off: On most days.  I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet on this and fake it till I make it!
General Mood: Mixed.  Sad/grouchy/hormonal the first part of the week...then happy/upbeat/relaxed for the weekend.  There is a lot going on at work which requires energy and patience. The week was rough because Daniel was in Ohio, and we had a million messes to handle here.  Whenever he is gone, I can't sleep.  But when he got home Thursday, it turned everything around and I am happy again!
Best advice this week: I'm not sure it's advice...but my mom called me after a really stressful night and just let me cry it out. It was exactly what I needed, because the next day I felt, literally, refreshed and ready to tackle everything.
Worst advice this week: Someone told me that going out to eat alone (which I did twice in the week since Daniel was gone) is not healthy.  Um, excuse me...I personally LOVE "me" days, and plan to keep them going for the rest of my life to recharge the battery.  Sometimes I will just walk around the mall or Target...other times, I will take myself to dinner and a movie (usually when Daniel is at wrestling, or out of town...and always to a resturant he doesn't like and a movie he would hate).  I think no matter what stage of life you are in, if you don't take time for yourself, you will get burried in the norm and drive yourself crazy!
Exercise: Walking the rounds every night solo while Daniel was gone was exhausting! I can't believe I used to be able to run the whole thing...I was out of breath within the first ten minutes! haha
Looking forward to:  Vacation in a week with the Gilbert rents; a busy August and September full of fun things including weddings, baby showers, family-time, and getting things done around the house to prepare for sweet baby G; finalizing his name (hopefully sooner than later!) 

July 19, 2012

24w4d: Cantelope

How far along? 24 weeks, 4 days
Maternity clothes: Pants, for sure, but tops are still stretching and making work for now.
Stretch marks: Same.
Sleep: Terrible this week, but that's partly our fault. I knew Daniel was leaving on Friday for Ohio for a week, so each night that we could finally spend time together we did...until 1 or 2 in the morning!!  I paid for it at work being so sleepy, but the laughs together each night were worth every minute.
 Best moment this week: Laughing with Daniel at youtube videos that we played for the baby when he was up at midnight...it's so funny how he reacts to different beats of music; Watching Daniel play/win softball; getting rid of more stuff from the house to make room for baby and settle on the nursery plans. 
Miss Anything: Family.
Movement: He is so active!  It will be funny when I will need to start keeping track of his kick count because he is constantly giving my stomach (and bladder) a beating!
Symptoms: Numbness in my legs (this is not a good feeling when I have to pee at all hours of the night but can't get out of bed because I can't walk...ugh!); Dizziness; Leakage; and emotional highs and lows (thank you hormones!).
Food cravings: Anything really...I'm hungry all the time!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing new. 
Have you started to show yet: Um....yes.
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: No 
Belly Button in or out?: Flattening out slowly but surely 
Wedding rigns on or off: Rocking the rock still. :)  Oh yeah!
General Mood: Depends on the day and my exhaustion level, but overall good and happy.  I may have had one meltdown from some stupid comment Daniel made...and I may or may not have then snapped right out of it and made-up with him. It's a rollar coaster, and I'm not the driver!!!!
Best advice this week: Lots of breastfeeding advice from Alexandra and great "new mom" advice from Tracy.
Worst advice this week: Nothing really bad or funny.
Exercise: Not too much this week other than light walking because my legs have been numb down to my toes....probably wouldn't be the safest idea in the world.
Looking forward to: Vacation in two weeks; Having Daniel back home in one week (I know...he just left, but I can't help it!); Figuring things out so we can stop stressing every second about it...daycare, nursery, work after baby, etc etc. 

July 13, 2012

23w5d: Grapefruit

(Me at almost 24 weeks, and Michelle at 26 weeks)

How far along? 23 weeks, 5 days
Maternity clothes: Still mixing it up!
Stretch marks: Same from before, just a few creeping up on my chest, but nothing yet on my belly. Fingers are still crossed!
Sleep: Not very good this week at all. :(
Best moment this week: Having Mark and Allison visit from Ohio; listening to Daniel read to the baby at night before bed; Shopping for more baby boy things and getting closer to finalizing the nursery plans.
Miss Anything: Feeling like myself some days.
Movement: He is a busy little thing!
Symptoms: Leg cramps at night; peeing every five seconds; boob leakage that is quite embarassing; (I'm making pregnancy sound wonderful aren't I?!! haha)
Food cravings: Anything in sight!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Cigarette smoke is literally my worst enemy. I can't stand the disgusting smell and I either want to hurl or punch the person blowing it in my face.
Have you started to show yet: Out and proud!
Gender: Sweet baby boy.
Labor Signs: Nada
Belly Button in or out?: Still an innie!!  Someone told me that I might not be an outtie until I'm ready to pop...like a turkey when it's done. haha
Wedding rigns on or off: Still on, thank goodness.
General Mood: A little bit irritable; very tired; but happy with Daniel when we can actually be together, relax and have great conversations.
Best advice this week: To stay out of the heat! It's just not worth the extra exhaustion and swelling.
Worst advice this week: Nothing really. 
Exercise: Walking, stretching (thank you charlie horses at 2 a.m.)
Looking forward to: Hopefully getting some DIY projects done for the baby; Finalizing a date for our Ohio shower so we can see everyone we love and show this big belly some loving by all of his aunties and uncles; Vacation with the Gilbert's in three weeks.

July 12, 2012

Sunshine, Rainbows, and Ice Cream!

I thought I would post a recap of our amazing family vacation.  The title could not be more perfect because we enjoyed all three, all week.  There was plenty of sunshine, and we were both lucky enough not to get sunburned, but just get some color (that is, after the tropical storm got the heck out of dodge!).  And great news...Daniel is finally not wearing his famous "t-shirt" anymore.

The top ten reasons why family vacations are not only important...they are necessary.

10.  You get to watch people grow.  Even if you are lucky enough to see family regularly, which we are not, there is a certain difference when you all are placed outside of the usual setting.  You are able to see how much people have changed and matured (well, hopefully ;))  Watching our nephew play in the ocean and exhaust himself at the beach was amazing.  He is growing so fast and is getting cuter by the minute.

9.  You can learn new things.  For our family, we always play games at night after everyone is exhausted from the sun and sand.  Sometimes we will bring out the mad-libs and laugh until we hurt.  This year, Daniel and I got to learn a new game that has since proven to be quite addicting....bring on, the FARKLE!  Daniel even bought a t-shirt at the outlet Nike while we were there just to wear during Farkle...which Aunt Kathy promptly took away from him as she kicked his butt!  Since vacation, Daniel and I have added it to our game night for the two of us.

8.  This sort of goes along with the previous one.  A little healthy competition can make for a fun night!  Family members are the best people to challenge to a competition, because no matter who wins, or how many lines are thrown out in the heat of the game, everyone still loves each other in the end.

7.  When you are removed from your everyday environment and only have to worry about what you WANT to do that day, it can provide for time to think about your life.  This year, I spent many moments just relaxing and thinking about the journey that we are on.  The baby inside of me is growing so fast, and things are about to change dramatically.  For seven years, it has just been Daniel and I.  This year on vacation, I was able to not only be "selfish" for the last time, but also center my heart in preparation for what was to come.  Sometimes when I would meditate, my stomach would move and so of course, people wanted to feel that little man kick. Every time it happened, I was reminded and interrupted in my calm thoughts of what the near future will be, and I can't wait!!

6.  Laughter is God's greatest gift.  It keeps us healthy.  On family vacations....we tend to do an enormous amount of it!!  I wonder sometimes if every family gets along as well as ours does, because we are TRULY happy to be in each other's company, and laughter is inevitable.  One of my mother's finest features are her smile lines....and she is proud of each one!

5.  One word....relaxation.  Something we rarely get in this world.  But it is the perfect way to recharge the battery!!

4.  Good food!  This could not have hit home for me more than this year (haha) when everything in sight sounds delicious.  Our family always cooks for each other every night of vacation.  We basically each get a night, and year-to-year they don't vary too much.  I like the predictability of it though because I look forward to that food so much!  Pizza Saturday, Goulosh Sunday, Grill Out Monday, Tony Taco Tuesday...the list goes on, and it is all so GOOD!  We usually go out with just a few people for lunch too.  This year, Daniel and I went with Megan and Andrew for lunch at Pompeno Joes.

3.  Experiencing new things, even if you've had some variation of it in the past.  Yes, we go to the ocean every year together.  But, every time something is different.  This year, we experienced our first tropical storm which kept us cooped inside for two days.  This was also the first year we were joined by Jake (Leah's boyfriend), Jessica/Ellie (Emily's friend and her daughter), and Shane (Julie's boyfriend).  Having new people adds so many fun elements.


2.  Experiencing beautiful things and surroundings.  Missing people that noramlly go on vacation, also changes things.  This was our first year back to Destin without Uncle Tony.  It was extremely emotional at times to not have him there, but yet, in only Tony fashion...he made his presence known.  He continues to make things beautiful everyday, and it is a constant reminder how much he impacted our lives.  If anyone in this world would want family vacations to happen every year, no matter what was going on in your life that you thought you couldn't get away from, it would be him.

1.  The number one reason to go on annual family vacation is of course....for the pictures! haha  Just kidding..  We kind of like to be together too, but the family pictures that we can update in our frames are an added bonus in such a beautiful location. :)

In trying to take some bump ones...baby boy decided to make known that he wanted to be in the shot as well and kicked me like crazy.

July 5, 2012

Ultrasound: Baby Face

When we got back from vacation, we had to revisit the doctor for another ultrasound to see if we could get a better picture of his sweet face, and brain.  At the 20 week ultrasound, and almost everyday actually, he likes to have his head burried all the way down under....thus making it impossible to get a good view of his brain.

He was still uncooperative, so we were only able to get one good picture of his brain and skull.  But, the 45 minutes of seeing him wave to us, and squirm around in there was worth it!!  The tech even had to switch it to 3D/4D to see if she could get a good view of his face.  When she did, he let out a huge yawn that was adorable.  We're pretty sure from looking at it all that he will have Daniel's lips and my nose.  Here is one of the pictures, but it really doesn't do it any justice from seeing it in person.

July 2, 2012

22w: Papaya

How far along? 22 weeks
Maternity clothes: Mix of both regular and maternity. Most of my shirts are getting a wee bit short...so I have to get creative!
Stretch marks: Fingers crossed...my belly is in the clear still.
Sleep: Late! We had friends in town so it was a busy, fun week of seeing them and getting to bed later than usual.
Best moment this week: Seeing our friends who came to town. Reading to baby boy and watching him kick in response to his daddy's voice. Talking about names with our friends.
Miss Anything: Some of the foods that I can't have right now, and a cold summer time adult beverage!
Movement: So much so.  He moves things off of my stomach when he kicks. His schedule is pretty set in there, so I know when to stop everything in life and just have a conversation with him while he kicks the heck out of me.
Symptoms: Swelling from the heat...and speaking of heat, it's a huge change to try to deal with it when you have a heater in front (but then again, it was 106 this week!)
Food cravings: Fruits and veggies; steak; corn salsa; milkshakes
Anything making you queasy or sick: Same as usual.
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes!
Gender: BOY!! Despite having a dream otherwise, we were reconfirmed at our appointment to scan his brain in an ultrasound on Thursday.
Labor Signs: Nada
Belly Button in or out?: I'm almost an outtie, but not yet.  I'm holding on strong to my deep button as long as I can!
Wedding rigns on or off: On, but the doctor checked my fingers and gave me a strong warning not to wait much longer. :(  Made me cry that night!  I'm going to have to get a fake that looks just like these!
General Mood: Happy.  Laughing with friends is sometimes the best medicine to whatever else is going on in the world or in my head.  Playing board games with friends and laughing to the point of tears was amazing for my mood.
Best advice this week: Got some neat ideas for the nursery from friends.
Worst advice this week:  One woman asked me if I wished this process would hurry up.  NO!  It's going to fast already. True there are some days I don't want to be pregnant...but it's almost like he knows what I'm thinking because he'll kick me...HARD...and then I don't care anymore and want to savor every moment.
Exercise: Walking almost everyday.
Looking forward to: More visitors from Ohio coming next week. Figuring out the date for an Ohio get-together/shower. (Hopefully) Crossing things off our to-do list for the baby.