December 30, 2012

Cael | 2 Months

My sweet boy, you are changing every minute!  This month was filled with fun things.  You enjoyed many firsts again...Christmas, flying to Ohio, crying over spilled milk (otherwise known as liquid gold...and momma might have been crying more than you on this one), sleeping ten hours through the night, and your very first blowout (did I mention this was during your first fun!).  You have taken so well to your nighttime routine.  We try very hard not to vary from it too much, but you are flexible if we do.  You and mommy had such a great time in Ohio for the holidays, but daddy sure missed you!  You changed so much in the four days we were gone, and daddy could hardly sleep at night without you snoring next to our bed. :)  You got to see Grandma and Grandpa Gilbert again, and this time they stayed at our house to visit with you.  You saw snow for the first time, both in Virginia (by way of a dusting) and in Ohio...a blizzard...that cancelled two of our flights.  You were seriously a pro at the airport when our flight got cancelled and we were stuck for hours.  You have become quite a flirt too, and know exactly when to turn on the charm!  You got a virus at four weeks that you had to take medicine for and broke out in a terrible rash.  YOU HATE MEDICINE! haha  But for whatever reason, they flavored it mint and that could be the reason.  You are all better now, and the rash is finally starting to subside.  Mommy and daddy count their blessings every night because you are so wonderful!