October 30, 2017

Cael | 5 years

Wow! I cannot believe 5 years have passed by so quickly.  You're officially a big kid.  This year was filled with fun!  You had a lot of firsts, and learned new tricks.  You're learning so much and we are so impressed with how smart you are!  You are one of the most creative, inteligent and sweetest kid I've ever met.  I am so blessed you are mine.  Love you, Cael-bo.

Height: 47.6 inches (99th percentile)

Weight:  52.2 pounds (94th percentile)

Size:  Pants/shirts are mostly size 6 at this point, but we're still squeaking out a few size 5. Pajamas have been size 7 for awhile now.  Shoe size is 11.5, and you wear the same exact size hat as your daddy, a 7 1/4 fitted cap.  You are our BIG BOY!

Sleeping:  Your teachers always laugh because when it is "rest time" at school, you are one of the only ones that won't fall asleep after all of the morning activity.  You gave up naps over a year ago though, so I'm not surprised. Thankfully, you go down for bed without a fight, and wake up easily (for the most part).  There are times that you come down after we've put you to bed to just "ask one more question" or get a snack.  You go to bed at 7:30, and you usually wake yourself up for school by 6:50 or 7 in the morning.

Eating:  Your favorite foods are still the most expensive in the store.  Will that ever change? Probably not - you're a growing boy.  You still frown at the idea of a simple meal like grilled cheese, or chicken nuggets.  Instead, you will devour calamari, or breakfast for dinner.  Your favorite snacks are goldfish crackers, yogurt and 

  Playing: You are still obsessed with dinosaurs, legos and crafts.  Your creativity amazes me every day!  You went through a guitar "rock star" phase this year (see pictures below) which was super fun. Any little figure you have at hand, you play with and use your imagination to create a story line for them. Your birthday party for 5 was a dinosaur dig and this was the first year you invited friends to join, instead of just family.  It was a blast!

Milestones: You know all of your numbers, letters, shapes, colors, etc. They say that you are kindergarten ready but your birthday just won't allow it....so you do get a little bored at school.  Your ride your big wheel like a champ! This year you went fishing for the first time, when we were in NC for Dolinski family vacation, with your Papa.  We also learned this year that you are allergic to mosquitos.  Kind of rare, and crazy...but it landed us in the ER 3 times.  You are the best big brother we could have ever imagined for Larkin.  You are a kind, sweet boy!

See more pictures below from the year to become FIVE!

**you'll probably yell at me for this one someday

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