May 30, 2012

Preggo Office Love

My officemate/girlfriend and I are both pregnant...and she is about to POP!  It has been a god-send to have a sounding board for all things pregnancy in the same room as me everyday.  She has been in stage one of labor for almost two weeks now and handling it like a champ.  This will be her second daughter.  We have said for a month now that we should take a picture together of our bumps.  It's not unusual that we have photo shoots in our office...I mean after all, we are in an office full of women and find the littlest things amusing (oooooh, let's take a picture since we're all wearing purple today; let's take a picture because we match; the list goes on....)  This is a picture we took in the earlier stages of her pregnancy (because we wore the same colors without planning it).  It was taken one week before I had a baby in my belly too!!

And a picture from today. :)  She is 38 weeks (and beautiful I might add!!!), I am 17 weeks.

May 29, 2012

"Nemo" Bank for Baby

Last month I went to a bachelorette party for a friend at a pottery painting gallery.  Of course I had to make something for my little nugget!  I searched in the piggy banks, and landed on a fish...I call him "Nemo".  It was a blast to make, even if it is too ugly to keep out in the open after baby can tell what it is! haha :)  Daniel especially loved that I wrote on the bottom..."Mommy loves you"

My sister-in-law and I getting serious with your piggy banks for babies.

The finished product (don't Judge!! I am by no means a pro!!)

May 26, 2012

16w6d: Avacado

Picture from the rehearsal dinner we went to. :)  I didn't know it until this week when I was trying to make this picture zoomed in that you can click on any picture in the blog and it goes full-screen!!  Amazing.

How far along? 16 weeks
Maternity clothes: Not too much yet. Still making the wardrobe stretch thanks to the bella-band and some creative match-ups. I did find a killer deal on maternity jeans at JCP for $3 and $8...which will carry me through the fall!
Stretch marks: Nothing yet.
Sleep:  Awwwwwful! Daniel's gout had a flare up, and moved to his knee. So, we started with just switching sides of the bed so he could use his crutches in the middle of the night (ouch..there's a wall there Sara, and every time you get up to tinkle in the middle of the night, it will still be there!); then, I gave up and just moved to the couch. Talk about sore bones!
 Best moment this week: Talking to my mom and sister. Megan and I talked about vacation, which got me really excited!! Oh, and talking to my grandma...laughing hysterically at her stories. She put grandpa on the phone for a minute...a little bit bittersweet because it made me miss him more than anything, but it was SO good to hear his voice.
Miss Anything: Wearing heels four our of five days of the week without my feet killlllling me.
Movement:  Feeling the flutter inside is the most wonderful blessing.  Daniel put his hand on my stomach while we were getting ready to fall asleep, and he said he could feel something lightly moving around, but it would stop when he pushed hard to get a better feel.  And one or two nights this week I've had what I call a firing gun in my stomach...strong putters like a gun going off for a few minutes at a time, until I move positions. It was amazing, and I can't wait for the kicking to begin! 
Symptoms: Skin rashes...getting progressively worse (I started with one before I even knew I was pregnant, but now they are showing up everywhere). And a postive...I'm not getting up four times in the night anymore to tinkle...only about two. :)
Food cravings: Auntie Anne's pretzel...and I was darn sure going to get one!! Other than that, I've really been craving salads (cold and crisp...with cucumbers and balsalmic), and a steak from Outback (let's just say it's a good thing for our wallets there isn't one nearby).
Anything making you queasy or sick: Would it be wrong to say people? haha Probably. But, there are certain things that I smelled on people that made my stomach turn this week when I would be out and about...body odor, perfume, smoke, etc. 
Have you started to show yet: Woah momma...YES!
Gender: Anxiously waiting another three weeks.
Labor Signs:  Nada
Belly Button in or out?: This pains me to say that my very deep innie is getting a little shallow. Nothing crazy yet, but enough for me and Daniel to notice since we've NEVER been able to see the depths of my button. :)
Wedding rigns on or off: Still on, but getting a little tighter at the end of the day, and when I first wake up in the morning. And I've been rocking my cocktail rings almost everyday since I realized that these will soon be gathering dust in my jewelry box.
General Mood: Irritable, mostly during the day. The littlest things are ticking me off.  It was a rough week to begin with, since Daniel's gout moved to his knee and had a terrible flare up, so sleep was at a zero most nights....and we had storms which caused a huge flood in our guest bedroom (soon to be baby's room).
Best advice this week: From my mom's famous pep-talks.  I called her when my world was falling apart earlier this week, and she reassured me that I can only take care of things that are in my control and I should let everything else roll off my shoulders. I'm human, so emotions are natural...especially given the hormones. But I can't predict or help what other people do to put a chip on my shoulder.
Worst advice this week:  That Foster's milkshakes are ok everyday. :) 
Exercise: Gross weather outside = snuggly, no motivation, zero movement after 8p.m. :)
Looking forward to:  Hearing if B & Michelle are having a boy or a girl, since they find out the very soon!!  And, of course, vacation coming up in less than a month!

May 17, 2012

15w: Orange you glad you're here

So...we got an orange, but then were never together while I was still awake this week to take a picture! This is one I took before work, it will have to do!!

How far along? 15 weeks, 3 days
Maternity clothes: A few.  For Mother's day we went shopping and got some fun shirts for vacation in a month at the beach when I'll be bigger!
Stretch marks: In the clear, thank goodness.  Kind of dreading the day I respond otherwise.
Sleep: Ok, got the body pillow.  The problem is, somehow it gets tossed on the floor in the middle of the night (pretty sure by me, not my husband) it kind of defeats the purpose.  I'm having a really hard time not reverting to my favorite sleeping position, on my back.
Best moment this week:  Celebrating my first Mother's Day...the quietest one yet, I'm sure. And talking baby names with Daniel every night.  Since we are getting closer to knowing the sex, we are hoping to have names narrowed down.  It is hilarious to hear some of his suggestions...and don't even get me started on middle names! 
Miss Anything:  Lately, I've been forgetting things left and right, so I suppose I miss my pre-baby brain and memory. :) 
Movement: Daniel keeps reading about this, because it's almost time to feel something.  I have some pains every now and then, and quick flutters that go away before I realize what they are...this could be the baby moving, from what we have read.  Can't wait for the feelings to be more recognizable.
Symptoms: So dizzy this week. When I eat, I get full really fast. And, I have the emotional capacity of a rollar coaster.  I can laugh at the silliest thing, but the next mintue cry tears that are uncontrollable.  It's ridiculous. 
Food cravings: Lots of protein.  I've been getting my fill of chicken and protein bars, instead of craving the usual dairy and sweets. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Unfortunately, things I used to eat daily, or at least weekly, still make my stomach turn.  Since month number two I have not been able to touch yogurt, Chipotle, orange juice, or saltines (probably because that was all I could eat for a few weeks without getting sick in the middle of the day).  It's a shame!! 
Have you started to show yet: Yes. But, not enough to fill out maternity shirts yet, unless they are the knit scrunchie kind that a non-preggers could get away with wearing.  Luckily, when we went shopping for vacation clothes at Motherhood Maternity, they have a velcro pillow to put under the shirts that don't fit just yet to see how you will like it when you are bigger. 
Gender: Four more weeks! I still secretly want to take the pee test from CVS...but I would have to hide it from Daniel because he doesn't think it's worth the money. :)
Labor Signs:  Do my crazy dreams count? I gave myself an emergency C-section in my car on Route 66 last night. haha  
Belly Button in or out?: Still an innie!
Wedding rigns on or off: Still on!
General Mood: Sad, actually. This week, for whatever reason, I need my Uncle Tony. I've cried uncontrollably almost every day missing him and wishing so badly he could see my belly grow because his big heart and huge bear hugs are reason enough to have children in our family. Everything is reminding me of him, and I find it hard to get a grip when I'm in public and think about him (which I did before I got pregnant, but was better at hiding the tears, or sometimes it would even just make me smile). I'm hoping being together with family for vacation in 40 days will help this feeling turn around to happy tears.
Best advice this week: To let the baby do the weight gaining. My mom told me that when she was pregnant with me, nobody told her that you aren't supposed to ACTUALLY eat for two.
Worst advice this week: That wearing high heels through pregnancy will make my baby cross-eyed.  Sorry hunny...I'm going to wear them until I can't anymore!
Exercise: Daniel and I went for walks since the weather was so nice. Oh, and we played tennis...or rather, I played tennis because he just kept laughing so hard at how I was running...he said it looked like I was chasing my belly because it would go, then the rest of my body would run after the ball. haha
Looking forward to:  Vacation!!  Now that my crazy trial calendar is done for April and May, I can take a breather and relax to get ready for fun in the sun with the best family in the world!

May 16, 2012

16w Appt: What a relief!

After waiting for over an hour to be seen by the doctor...we were so worried we would run into the same problem as our 12 week appointment (12 week scare).  Luckily, the doc came in at 4:45....and we told him we needed to hear the heartbeat FIRST thing, just in case. 

The doctor was a little shocked and I even think endeared to see our faces full of relief when we heard that wonderful beat through the doplar.  HEALTHY heartbeat...healthy baby.  A sweet 136 beats per minute...which of course made my husband smile extra big since he knows the old wives tale.  It was magical!

We really could have just swept through the rest of the appointment because we were on cloud nine.  But...after all of the questions were answered and my health was checked, all was good.  Blood pressure was perfect (which surprised me because I can never predict if I'm going to have a crazy day at work before the appointment...but so far, each time has been the same and right on target); and I haven't gained any weight since the first appointment (7 weeks).  I'll start gaining now...but the doctor was happy to see that I haven't gone crazy with cravings and am keeping it steady as ordered.

We walked out smiling ear to ear and ready to call our families.  Then Daniel surprised me by whipping out a $50 Bonefish giftcard he got from one of his parents for Teacher Appreciation Week!!  It was delicious!!

Our next appointment (20 week ultrasound!! yay!!!) is scheduled for June, and we could not be more anxious.

May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Picture Source:

Even though I am just a husband made sure to make this Mother's day extra special.  It is sure to be, after all, the quietest of them all. :)

We woke up and called our families to wish our mom's a happy Mother's day.  Luckily, the weather was amazing so we were able to sit in the sun to make our calls.  Then we chatted about our day, and laughed together as we soaked up the fact that it had been five years to the day since we graduated college and decided to make the move to Virginia.  It had never crossed our mind that in five years time we could be in the position we are in.  We've always celebrated Mother's and Father's days since we adopted our sweet kitties five years ago...but this year was different.

Daniel took me to the Leesburg outlet mall, which is outdoors and perfect for the 80 degree weather we were getting.  We walked around looking at all of the stores, each of us laughing that if we knew the sex of the baby, our wallets would be in big trouble!  I ended up with some neat shirts from Motherhood maternity for our beach vacation coming up in June....and Daniel being the shopper that he is, got some good deals on clothes too.  We had dinner at one of our favorite places, Sweetwater tavern, and it was delicious!

We can't wait until next year when we celebrate this holiday with our little bundle. :)

May 10, 2012

14w4d: Lemon

(p.s. I was very sick this night..hence the awful expression and dark circles. :))
How far along? 14 weeks, 4 days
Maternity clothes: The same...still trying to stretch out the wardrobe mixing in just a few maternity items at a time
Stretch marks: Still good!
Sleep: Let me repeat this....I NEED A BODY PILLOW!!!  Tossing and turning is the worst.
Best moment this week: Getting a present in the mail for baby.  Everything is starting to make this all feel a little more "real"
Miss Anything: Going a day without having a headache or getting extremely tired. 
Movement: Seriously...can't wait!  Nothing yet...still too early.
Symptoms: Dizziness...and it's not a comforting feeling at all. I'll just be sitting at my desk, and the room will start spinning. My hair feels a little bit stronger (not necessarily thicker though) than before too, which is a plus!
Food cravings: Happy hour frappacinos at Starbucks has been amazing this week!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still just the usual. There are some things Daniel will mention for dinner that make my stomach turn, which is a shame, because usually everything sounds good!
Have you started to show yet: Yes, especially at the end of the day.  It's funny, because in the mornings, my stomach is significantly smaller...and we always take the picture at night, which makes me look a lot bigger than I really am!
Gender: No idea yet...but only another month to wait anxiously!
Labor Signs:  None 
Belly Button in or out?: In as ever.
Wedding rigns on or off: Still on.  But I've decided when I do get too swollen, I'm going to finally send them off to get retouched, redipped and shined to perfection for after the birth.  I've been meaning to since our one-year anniversary, but hated the thought of being without them.
General Mood: Good.  Daniel is doing an excellent job of making me laugh...we've shared more belly laughs the past few weeks than we ever have.
Best advice this week: After the baby, you still have to take time for yourselves as a couple.  Get a sitter, take date nights, even just going for a walk to reconnect.
Worst advice this week: Not really bad advice, just a little out of reach. Someone told me my job is too stressful to handle pregnancy, and that I should cut back or figure something else out because it will raise my blood pressure to a scary level and be bad for me and the baby.
Exercise: Does walking to Farmer's Market count?  Just kidding...I've been doing my stretches and hope to start lifting more weights this weekend when we hit 15 weeks.
Looking forward to:  Our 16 week appointment next week. We keep praying we hear a healthy heart beat and don't have a repeat of the last appointment. 

May 9, 2012

A present: "MEAT" lives on

I went to the post office yesterday, and to my surprise there was a key for a package box.  I thought, "I know I didn't order anything from Amazon lately....did I?!?" (with pregnancy just never know)  To my surprise, it was a cute little present for baby from our dear friend Dustin (my old boss...who in a way, played cupid to make this all happen in the first place).  I cracked up as soon as I realized what it was!!  Laughing to the point of tears even!!  I took these pictures, then wrapped it back up so Daniel could have the same reaction when he got home.  He opened it, laughed out loud, and said "YESSSS the MEAT lives on!!"

So here it G's first dumbell. haha :)

May 4, 2012

13w5d: Just Peachy

How far along? 13 weeks, 5 days
Maternity clothes: Just a few pants, but still trying to rock out my regular clothes a bit longer...probably not much longer!
Stretch marks: Still in the clear.  Need to be more diligent about lotion in the morning AND at night.  Maybe I should set a reminder in my phone! haha
Sleep: Terrible this week.  Between thunder storms, a broken toilet making noises all week, and my brain not wanting to shut's hopeless! 
Best moment this week: Having a maternity clothes party in our office, where my co-workers gave me TOTES of clothes for this journey!  Such a blessing! 
Miss Anything: Beer still...thanks to the Cinco-de-Mayo party we went to for a couple that is getting married soon.  I just kept asking Daniel if I could smell his corona! haha It's so funny how badly you want something when you can't have it.
Movement: Nothing yet, but I honestly cannot wait!!
Symptoms:  Cravings! And when I want something, I literally won't stop until I get it! Some sharp lower pains and heartburn...but otherwise, not too terrible of a week.  I had a few sicky days, where nothing sounded good whatsoever.  Ready for that part to be done!
Food cravings: FOOD in general!  We made sloppy joes and I swear they were the best tasting sandwich we ever made! Still can't bring myself to want Chipotle...seriously a pregnancy sin that Daniel curses at me for every day.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The usual.  Had a bad day Monday of feeling sick, but I'm hoping the sudden waves of nausea go away reallllllly soon!
Have you started to show yet:  The bump is out and proud!  Can still rock my normal jeans...just unzipped most of the way, especially after eating dinner!
Gender: Depends on who you ask.  Can't wait to find out! Finally had a dream about Baby G, which was a huge relief from the crazy dreams I've been having lately (go away t-rex, I'm sick of you chasing me through the desert!).  In the dream..I was nursing my baby on my first day home from the hospital....and HE was beautiful. ;) 
Labor Signs:  Nothing
Belly Button in or out?:  Innie!  A client told me I probably won't become an outtie until I'm ready to pop...she even compared it to a turkey being done!
Wedding rigns on or off: On
General Mood:  Overall, good. Soooo ready to get some more energy because my work days are wearing me out to the point of being so tired, I'm frustrated with myself for not having any energy to get things done after work!
Best advice this week: That nobody tells you what happens afterwards, and sometimes it isn't pretty. I had a long talk with a friend about the days after delivery, and what to expect. 
Worst advice this week: Didn't really recieve much negative or funny advice this week.
Exercise: I walked a bit more, but need to pick up my game (haven't I been saying this for oh, three weeks now!?!)
Looking forward to:  Our 16 week appointment and finding out the sex before family vacation!

May 1, 2012

Facebook official!

Secret's out!!!  Despite my family's wishes to put the news out there as early as 9 weeks so they didn't have to keep the secret held in...we anxiously waited until today to make the big announcement to the facebook world.  It has been amazing and truly humbling to see the responses.  We changed my profile picture to this (my mother's idea...she's a creative genius!) and put the news in a status update. 

As one of our friends noticed...we are trading baseballs for burping cloths and pearls for pacifiers.  Can't wait!  This is such a blessing!