November 20, 2019

How are you still pregnant?

How has it been over a month since a pregnancy update? I had the most amazing flood of advice and encouragement come in from my last post.  I enjoyed so much reading through almost 100 messages from mommas that have experienced c-sections or complications.  Besides being absolute WARRIORS (seriously, so inspiring!) - the advice you all gave was so helpful in every way.

So I ended up with decision one, to keep the originally scheduled c-section date at the local hospital. My midwife basically decided it for me after we talked again that following week.  And then....

I went to my 34 week check-up.  For the first time, I did not sugar coat how I was feeling when the nurse asked me.  I had a rough night of contractions on and off, and was feeling down-right crummy with a pounding headache still for my appointment at 3:30 in the afternoon.  The doctor came in and said the best bet would be to perform a fetal fibronectin swab test to see if I was in pre-term labor.  She was sure that the result would be negative - but without being able to check my cervix since I'm a ticking bomb - this was our only option to prove I could make it another 3 weeks.  If the test was negative, it meant staying pregnant at least 2 more weeks. If positive, I would likely go into labor within 5 days.  I got the call the next morning. Freaking positive.

I had all of my kids (my own and daycare) huddled around the breakfast table when I got the call. Gut punch. I scurried into the laundry room so the kids didn't see me cry as I talked through the next steps with the nurse.  I was shocked, as was she.  I needed to get to the hospital within a couple hours to get the first round of steroid shots for his lungs to mature more quickly.  I was familiar with these from my last pregnancy.  BUT, I was told at the beginning of this pregnancy that the shots would be out of the question this time since new research has come down since Archer's birth that indicates a stronger correlation with brain bleeds than benefit for the baby's lungs.  Cool.  I got the daycare kids picked-up and Daniel made it home for a half-day to take me to the hospital.  Between the progesterone shots and the steroid rounds I have been poked in the booty 23 times this pregnancy.  

The following day I needed to return to the hospital for the second round.  I woke up feeling even worse than the day prior with a pounding headache, so much pressure, and swollen (so I knew my blood pressure was probably up).  I asked the triage nurse if she could check my bp while I was there for the shot.  She hooked me up to the monitor to check bp and fetal non-stress.  Luckily, after a couple hours I was good to go rest at home and pray to stay pregnant until the steroid shots could work their magic.  I had three tiny goals to get to.  1.) stay pregnant until Saturday for steroid shots to work on his lungs, 2.) stay pregnant until Monday so I could get the next round of progesterone which may help carry me until, 3.) stay pregnant until the following Thursday when I would see my midwife for my 35 week checkup and make a new plan.

I swear to goodness, I don't know how I am still pregnant.  The doctors don't know how I am still pregnant.  But here we are, 36 weeks.  It's still very worrisome.  I feel like a ticking bomb.
I had my 36 week check with the doctor who will perform my c-section next week.  I despise her lack of bedside manner (that's for another post when I'm feeling ballsy).  She did check me and I am sitting pretty at 2.5cm dilated.  I seriously CANNOT go into active labor at this point.  I have one week until I get to meet his sweet face.  I need to stay pregnant for one more week.  Let's do it.