June 30, 2013

Cael | 8 Months

You are the most fantastic child...most of the time.  The milestones you hit this month almost make me cry every time I think about how fast you are growing and approaching the bittersweet "one year" mark.  We did so many fun things this month: We went to the train festival in Manassas because you love choo-choo's; had a few playdates with cousin Harper before they move to Ohio; said goodbye to your wonderful nanny, Ms. Millie since we also learned we are moving to Ohio (woop woop!); went to graduation parties and playdates; and ended the month with a fantastic vacation with the Dolinski/Gonya clan to Gulf Shores, Alabama (more on that in a separate post, soon!)  You are now a baby on the move!!  It makes it so much more difficult and funny to try to keep up with you since you go-go-go as soon as you are put on the ground.  You started with an army crawl, and by vacation had developed an all-fours race to every toy or object in sight.  You are growing into such a little man, and your personality is developing more and more with every face and sound you make.  The beginning of the month you were still squealing like you did last month, then you started with babbling and noises that even crack you up!  Long gone are the days of holding my "baby"...you just want to be independent, and that's what we are trying to let you do.  You love exploring and are so interested in the world around you.  It makes everyone around you laugh when they see your "studying" face at first before breaking into a huge smile once you've determined the atmosphere is fun.  You make it fun!  And we love you sweet boy!

June 11, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up

Weekends are busy.  Weekends with a child are just bananas.  So instead of compiling all of the crazy details/pictures of the weekends in a month into the monthly post, I decided to give this a try.  Bring on: Weekly Wrap-Up.  I actually wanted to start this a few weeks ago, so don't be surprised if there are a few back-dated entries added soon. ;)

This weekend:

-  Friday we had our first night out since baby...with a sitter...at bedtime.  Luckily, we had the most amazing sitter in the world.  She is truly a pro (I mean, afterall, this is what she does!)  So after playing, eating and a little fussing, she got Cael to go to sleep while we went with friends to have dinner and drinks.  It was the perfect night of laughs and adult conversation...and a perfect ending picking up sweet baby boy, all snuggled up with Stephanie and Noah.

- Saturday morning we cleaned the house, as per usual.  We finally managed to lower the crib (and with that, found about a dozen pacifiers that had fallen through!).  Then had "date night in" (Tilapia with a home-made strawberry/mango salsa)

June 3, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up

This Weekend:

We lounged, played, napped and ate...in the order, and on repeat. :)

- Friday night, we had our usual "I don't know what I'm hungry for, but I'm starving...I'm too tired to cook since it's Friday...oh crum, now it's almost Cael's bedtime and we still haven't decided what to eat...let's just go drive and see where we land" scenario that happens almost weekly (we can't be the only couple that does this..but seriously, it's annoying!)  We landed at Qdoba.  We haven't been there in about three years.  We sat outside and pushed Cael's bedtime back (woo hoo...living on the edge!!) and enjoyed each other's company.

- Saturday morning Cael surprised us by waking up at 9 (ha! probably thanks to the late night partying!)  After he nursed, he was in a funny mood.  Squealing to his little heart's content and just playing with everything he could get his hands on.  Then, we all headed to the train festival in Old Towne.  It was neat, and Cael loves "choo choos" as his cousin Waylon calls them.  Bad news...my semi-new phone fell off the stroller and shattered into pieces.  We headed to Verizon, and of course, I bought it from Target so it is not covered by insurance. FAIL. Off to figure out alternative solutions.  Then we headed home and lounged outside.

- Sunday we had a Pizza Playdate with cousin Harper at their house before their big move to Ohio, coming up at the end of this month.  Playdates are so much more entertaining now that the babies are mobile, and they realize they can play together instead of just batting at the other's head, or grabbing ears.  That's not to say that they don't still do that...but afterwards, they laugh. :)